How Do Cavities Form?

There are many lifestyle habits that can contribute to the formation of dental cavities. Seeing our dentist serving Washington Park twice per year for a professional cleaning and exam is a start to keeping you as cavity free as possible.

What is a cavity? A cavity is the more common term for dental caries (holes in the tooth) or tooth decay. A cavity can affect anyone who has teeth, young or old. A cavity can form when foods containing sugar or starch are left on the teeth. Everyone has bacteria in their mouth, and some of the bacteria coupled with food particles work with saliva to form plaque which sticks to the teeth. [pullquote]Although brushing and flossing are needed to maintain dental health between dental visits, only your dental provider can get below the gum line to remove the plaque that clings to teeth.[/pullquote]

This is why visiting the dentist twice per year for a professional cleaning is so essential. Although brushing and flossing are needed to maintain dental health between dental visits, only your dental provider can get below the gum line to remove the plaque that clings to teeth.

The acids found in plaque work to dissolve the healthy enamel that covers and protects our teeth. When acid eats through the protective layer of enamel, a cavity may form. Most cavities will be found during those visits to the dentist during the dental exam or as a result of dental radiographs or x-rays.

Generally, if you feel a cavity before it is discovered by your dentist, the cavity is already in an advanced state and has become sensitive to sweet, hot or cold food or beverages.  Depending on the severity of the cavity and the tooth involved, your dentist can remove the decay and then fill the tooth with one of several types of fillings available. A discussion with your dentist to determine the best filling most suitable for your needs is recommended.

Fluoride is recognized as very beneficial in the prevention of cavities. Although there is fluoride in our water and the foods we eat, fluoride applied in the dental office is available in many forms and is strongly advised for children and adults.

Brushing twice per day with a fluoride toothpaste or gel and flossing daily are also urged by your dentist as a means to keep plaque under control as much as possible. Avoiding or limiting sugary beverages and treats and encouraging healthy snacks such as fruits and vegetables are advocated for helping to maintain healthy teeth and gums.

It is never too early to start teaching the values of excellent oral hygiene habits to win in the battle with dental decay. Call our experienced dental team today to schedule your next exam.


What Kind of Bite Problems Can Invisalign Correct?

Invisalign is a popular option for orthodontic treatment for minor misalignment and bite correction. Invisalign treatment is more comfortable and flexible than traditional braces, and can provide orthodontic treatment that is nearly invisible. If you are considering Invisalign in Centennial, here are some facts to help you make your decision.


Can Invisalign Fix Any Orthodontic Problems?

Invisalign can be used to treat a wide variety of alignment issues, but it works best for minor problems. These can include:

  • Minor bite correction
  • Misalignment
  • Crooked teeth
  • Gaps between the teeth

Although Invisalign can be used for bite correction, this application is limited to less extreme bite problems. For more extensive bite correction, traditional braces and other tend to be more effective. If you need bite correction, consult with your dentist to determine if Invisalign is a good option for you. [pullquote]Invisalign treatment is more comfortable and flexible than traditional braces, and can provide orthodontic treatment that is nearly invisible.[/pullquote]


How Does Invisalign Work?

If your dentist recommends Invisalign for you, he/she will begin by taking a mold of your teeth, as well as a selection of digital photographs. The mold and photographs will be used to manufacture a series of clear plastic trays that you will use to gradually move your teeth into the proper position. Each tray will be slightly different from the one before, shifting your teeth a small amount.

A full treatment can take several months, with an average of twelve to eighteen months for a typical Invisalign treatment. Each tray is worn for about two weeks before it is replaced with a new tray.

Invisalign offers a variety of advantages over traditional braces, including:

  • The plastic trays are virtually invisible, eliminating self-consciousness about your treatment
  • Trays can be removed for special occasions
  • Trays can be removed for a more thorough cleaning
  • Trays are more comfortable than wires and bands

Only a consultation with your dentist regarding Invisalign can determine if this is the right orthodontic treatment for you. If you need more information about Invisalign, please contact us for an in-depth consultation.

Congenitally missing teeth: What are my options?

Life with a missing tooth can be quite a challenge. Without the full complement of properly shaped and sized teeth, chewing and speaking can be impacted. The smile can be noticeably impacted by a missing tooth. And the neighboring teeth may not be receiving adequate support. [pullquote]For replacing congenitally missing teeth, dental implants are often the best choice. [/pullquote]

In light of the disadvantages associated with missing teeth, it is fortunate that patients can elect to replace these teeth with dental implants in Burnaby.

Sometimes a missing tooth is due to a traumatic injury, extensive tooth decay, or periodontal disease with bone loss. In just as many cases, the missing tooth is the result of a congenital condition. This condition, in which a person may be born without one or more permanent teeth, is a fairly common occurrence. For various reasons, roughly 6% of the American population can be found to be missing either the second premolars or the upper laterals.

For replacing congenitally missing teeth, dental implants are often the best choice. The option of a removable partial or denture is typically too bulky and excessive for replacing only one or two teeth. A dental bridge would require the filing down of the healthy teeth on either side of the congenitally missing tooth. Only a dental implant can replace the missing tooth without clipping, hooking, or otherwise compromising the neighboring teeth.

The implant, similarly shaped and sized to a natural tooth, is designed to behave as such. Once it has properly healed, it will be anchored to the jaw bone. the implant is secure enough to allow patients to sustain a normal diet. The tooth stands alone with proper bone support, and can be brushed and flossed like a normal tooth.

Your implant dentist will need to evaluate several factors such as your overall health and the amount of available bone at the site of the proposed implant to determine if the procedure is right for you. To begin your exploration into dental implants for the replacement of congenitally missing teeth, call the office of Dr. Bernard Jin for your appointment today.

What is TMJ Disorder?

dentist Capitol Hill COTMJ disorder is a generic term that refers to many of the problems associated with the temporomandibular joint. Our dentist serving Capitol Hill CO can discuss the symptoms and remedies recommended for those who suffer from TMJ disorder.

The temporomandibular joint is located just above your jaw in front of your ear. There are two of these joints, one on each side, and they are designed to work together to allow us to chew, speak, yawn …. virtually anything that is related to tasks involving our mouth or jaw.

This joint is a very complex part of the body. It has many functions, and as such when there is discomfort, locating the exact source can be difficult. This joint is made up of muscles, nerves, tendons, ligaments, bones, connective tissue and teeth.

TMJ disorder involves inflammation, and can manifest itself in many ways.  Migraines, neck or shoulder discomfort, earache and even hearing loss can be attributed to TMJ disorder.  Chewing difficulties or a clicking sound when opening and closing the mouth should be examined by a dentist for the root cause.

One of the major causes of TMJ disorder has focused on the grinding and clenching of teeth. Most often this is an involuntary function done during sleep or unconsciously throughout the day. Many people grind their teeth at times due to anxiety, which is normal. But when grinding becomes more habitual, your dentist has several suggestions to help.

Perhaps on initial examination your dentist might recommend some of the simpler ideas you can try such as smaller bites of food when you chew, avoid biting your nails or chewing gum. But for longer term relief, many have found that employing the use of a night guard will help alleviate the grinding and teeth clenching often associated with TMJ disorder.

A night guard is also called an occlusal splint or a mouth guard. There are several different types so a discussion with your dentist will help determine what will work best for you.

In addition to a night guard, your dentist might also suggest checking your bite for any signs of a malocclusion which might alter the motion engaged while chewing. A bite adjustment might provide some relief to minor TMJ disorders.  Also your dentist might suggest acetaminophen to relieve inflammation, but this is generally a short term solution.

For more information about TMJ disorder and to schedule a consultation, please contact Governor’s Park Dental Group at 303-832-7789.


How Durable are Porcelain Veneers?

Porcelain veneers are a popular cosmetic dentistry procedure because they are highly versatile, natural looking, and long lasting. If you are , consider that veneers can correct a wide range of cosmetic issues and can last for decades, keeping your smile perfect for many years to come.


How Porcelain Veneers Work

Porcelain veneers are very thin shells of porcelain that is color-matched to your teeth. When they are placed, they are virtually indistinguishable from natural enamel. The nature of the porcelain also means that they will reflect light much like enamel, because the porcelain is partially translucent.

Although porcelain is thin and delicate, when your cosmetic dentist places them on the surfaces of the teeth, a special bonding agent makes it strong and highly durable. Teeth treated with veneers must be brushed and flossed and cleaned regularly by a dentist. With diligent care, veneers can last many years.


How to Care for Your Veneers

Veneers are strong and durable, but if you take certain precautions, they will last much longer. The edges of veneers can be vulnerable to chipping, and the surfaces can be worn down if they are cleaned too aggressively. To ensure your veneers last as long as possible, follow these guidelines:

  • Brush and floss regularly
  • Avoid foods and beverages that could stain your veneers
  • Avoid biting on hard objects that could chip your veneers
  • Be sure your dentist and hygienist know you have veneers
  • Use a soft toothbrush as recommended by your dentist
  • Visit your dentist regularly for an evaluation and regular treatment

Visiting your dentist for regular cleanings and X-rays is important when you have veneers. In some cases, cavities can develop beneath the veneers or along their edges. These cavities can be difficult to find without regular trips to the dentist. In addition, your dentist can evaluate the condition of your veneers to be sure they are holding up well and remaining properly bonded to your teeth.

To find out more about porcelain veneers, how they can improve your smile, and how to care for them properly, please contact our dental team at our office.

My Gums Bleed When I Brush: Should I be Concerned?

Bleeding gums can be alarming, but don’t always indicate a serious condition. However, if you do experience bleeding when you brush, you should let your dentist know so that he can determine the root cause. Our dentists in Littleton CO 80120 can help track your symptoms and treat the cause to reduce or eliminate your bleeding gums.


Causes of Bleeding Gums

Gums can bleed during brushing for a variety of reasons, some of which are easily treated. Other causes might require more extensive or long-term care.

Some of the most common causes of bleeding gums include:

  • Minor injuries in the mouth
  • Using a toothbrush that is too hard
  • Gingivitis or early stages of gum disease

Foods such as chips or crusty breads can abrade the gums and cause them to bleed during brushing. Minor injuries in the mouth generally resolve within a few days and do not require treatment. [pullquote]If you have developed gingivitis, your dentist will recommend treatment to heal your gums over a period of time, which should lead to a reduction in bleeding gums when you brush.[/pullquote]

If your toothbrush is too hard, it can abrade your gums and can also wear down the enamel on the surfaces of your teeth. Consult with your dentist regarding the appropriate type of toothbrush to use.

If you have developed , your dentist will recommend treatment to heal your gums over a period of time, which should lead to a reduction in bleeding gums when you brush.


Treatments for Gingivitis

If it is diagnosed in early stages, gingivitis is relatively easy to treat. Your dentist might recommend a special toothpaste, mouthwash, or other topical treatments. Baking soda is often used to treat gingivitis, either in toothpaste or applied in a paste to the gums. However, as gingivitis progresses into gum disease, treatments become more invasive and more complex.

In more advanced stages, gum disease can require deep cleaning of the teeth and the tooth roots to remove plaque and tartar that has build up in these areas, often below the gum line. If these treatments are ineffective, or if your gum disease has become more serious, periodontal surgery might be required.

If you have experienced chronic bleeding of your gums when you brush your teeth, please contact the doctor Family Dentistry. We can help determine the root cause and improve your dental health.

Receding Gums: Are dental implants still an option?

dental implants VancouverWith so many advances in modern dental technology and implant dentistry, there are few obstacles that cannot be overcome. To replace a missing tooth, almost anything is possible.  Any condition that could possibly have a negative impact on your dental implant can be successfully treated prior to the placement of the implant.

Patients who have receding gums can still choose dental implants in Vancouver to replace their missing teeth. It is true that, a critical factor to the success of your dental implant is the ability of the implant to be properly supported by the jaw bone and the gum tissue. When the gums have receded, there can be a significant loss of support.

In conjunction with your dental implant procedure, your implant dentist may recommend a grafting procedure. Grafting is the addition of supplemental bone or gum tissue near and around the dental implant. In some cases, the graft is performed several months in advance, in preparation for the dental implant. In other cases, the graft is performed at the time that the implant is placed.

The gum and bone tissue used for grafting can be generated by the implant patient, cultivated from a cadaver, or selected from an assortment of synthetic materials. Your dentist will need to select the type of graft that will be best for your particular needs, and discuss the recommendation with you.

After your dental implant is in place, protecting the implant, gums, and bone will be a high priority. It is imperative that both the patient and the implant dentist identify the cause of the receding gums in order to prevent future damage. Periodontal disease, inconsistent dental care, clenching or grinding, and aggressive brushing have all been linked to receding gums.

You should remember that your implant dentist is multi-talented. As a problem-solver, artist, and scientist your dentist can improve the prognosis for your dental implant with the use of various procedures and therapies.

To find out how your implant dentist can reverse the effects of receding gums, call Smiles Unlimited Dental Centre at 604-939-6111 and schedule your consultation today.

Treatment options to close spaces between teeth

You only get one chance to make a first impression. If you feel self-conscious about your smile due to the gaps between your teeth, a consultation with our cosmetic dentist to discuss veneers in Denver can provide you with a solution.

There was a time when the options to deal with spaces between teeth involved lengthy treatment at the orthodontist office or cosmetic work that was available only to the wealthy. Times have changed, and the answer to close those gaps is available and affordable with dental veneers. [pullquote]Dental veneers are thin shell like coverings made from porcelain or composite that are designed to fit on the front of your existing teeth.[/pullquote]

Dental veneers are thin shell like coverings made from porcelain or composite that are designed to fit on the front of your existing teeth. As such, they don’t actually close spaces between teeth. They cover up those spaces as well as many other dental concerns such as dental stain, broken or chipped teeth, or uneven or misaligned teeth.

Your cosmetic dentist will work with you to determine exactly the look you wish to achieve. Dental veneers are suitable for one or several teeth and they offer your cosmetic dentist the flexibility to match the shape and shade of your existing teeth.

Veneers become a permanent correction that not only improves your appearance by giving you a smile makeover, but at the same time veneers offer protection, durability, and give added strength to treated teeth. And unlike other cosmetic enhancements, placing veneers allows your dentist to remove only a minimal amount of your tooth to apply the veneer making this procedure much less invasive than other cosmetic procedures.

Once your makeover is complete, your dental veneers will be virtually undetectable. The spaces between your teeth will be a distant memory, and your dental transformation will have been completed in a few brief dental visits.

Your dental veneers do not require any special care, however it is generally recommended that caution be taken when biting or chewing hard objects such as ice or sticky foods like caramel. It is important to note that dental veneers are not treatable with whitening products so foods and beverages that stain should be consumed with care.

Good oral hygiene habits of brushing twice per day and flossing daily in addition to twice annual visits to your dentist for a professional cleaning and exam will help keep your teeth and dental veneers looking great for many years.