What Signs and Symptoms are Associated with an Impacted Tooth?

An impacted tooth can lead to extreme discomfort and other unpleasant symptoms. If left untreated, impaction can cause serious side effects and can even prove fatal. If you experience symptoms of an impacted tooth, you should see your dentist as soon as possible for evaluation and treatment.


Symptoms of an Impacted Tooth

An impacted tooth is one that does not emerge properly. The most common teeth to become impacted are the wisdom teeth, but impaction can occur with any tooth that does not move into the correct position. Your regular X-rays can help determine if teeth are impacted well before any symptoms occur.

Symptoms can include:

•    Swelling or redness in the gums
•    Headache or discomfort in the jaw
•    Bleeding gums
•    Halitosis and/or a bad taste in the mouth

Symptoms of an impacted tooth should be brought to your dentist’s attention as soon as possible. Impacted teeth can become infected, and the infection can migrate into the sinuses and even into the brain or the circulatory system. This can lead to heart disease, brain damage or even death if left untreated.


Treatment for an Impacted Tooth

In most cases, the recommended treatment for an impacted tooth is removal. After evaluation, your dentist will explain treatment. If the tooth has become infected, you might need to take antibiotics to treat the infection before an oral surgeon can safely remove the tooth.

In some cases, impacted teeth never exhibit symptoms and cause no difficulty and it might not be necessary to have the teeth removed. It is best to have your situation evaluated to see if leaving the teeth in place is likely to cause problems with the rest of your teeth.

If you believe you might have an , please contact the office of the doctor Family Dentistry in Littleton Colorado at 303 -730-1222 to make an appointment. We’ll evaluate your tooth and recommend an appropriate treatment to alleviate your discomfort as soon as possible.

Will I Need an Implant if I Have a Cracked Tooth?

Dental implants are posts that are inserted into the jawbone and covered with a cap, or artificial tooth, in order to replace a lost tooth. Dental implants fuse with the jaw and the cap is color-matched to surrounding teeth, creating a permanent replacement tooth that looks and acts like your other natural teeth.

Dental implants are used by an implant dentist to replace teeth lost for a number of reasons, including physical damage from cracking. More than one implant can be placed in the mouth; in fact, the placement of dental implants can prevent the loss of further teeth because they stimulate the jaw and prevent the bone from weakening. [pullquote]Dental implants fuse with the jaw and the cap is color-matched to surrounding teeth, creating a permanent replacement tooth that looks and acts like your other natural teeth.[/pullquote]

There are several levels of severity of cracks in a tooth. Most cracks are craze lines, which are small lines on the enamel of the teeth that do not require any treatment. Cracks in the cusp, or chewing surface, of the teeth that do not affect the pulp can also be treated by means other than in implant.

More serious cracks run vertically from the enamel down into the pulp, or nerve center, of the tooth. If left untreated, the pulp may become exposed, causing pain, inflammation, infection, and possibly the eventual loss of a tooth. These forms of cracks can sometimes be treated with a root canal, which involves removing the pulp and sealing the tooth.

A split tooth is the most severe form of crack, and it cannot be saved. The tooth will be removed and can be replaced with a dental implant. The implant will function like a normal tooth, and will not require any additional care after it heals.

Routine oral care, such as twice-daily brushing and daily flossing, will help the implant last for years.

A split tooth is typically the only form of a crack where you will likely need to replace it with an implant. In other, less serious cases of cracked teeth, there are often other options available.

If you have a cracked tooth and would like to learn more about your treatment options, contact the office of Dr. Bernard Jin, serving Burnaby and the surrounding areas, at 604-229-2824 to schedule your consultation.

What is Gingivitis?

The health of your gums is just as important as the health of your teeth. On regular visits to the dentist, your gums are evaluated for signs of inflammation. Sometimes this inflammation is classified as gum disease, based on its severity. [pullquote]Regular brushing and flossing helps keep the gums healthy through stimulation, and also removes plaque and tartar buildup along the gum line.[/pullquote]

Gingivitis and Gum Disease

Gingivitis refers to inflammation of the gums, or gingival tissue. This inflammation can be an early sign of gum disease. As inflammation becomes more severe, it is more difficult to treat, so it is best to diagnose gingivitis early, allowing for easier treatment.

Some symptoms of gingivitis include:

•    Redness or swelling of the gums
•    A shiny look to the gums
•    Bleeding while brushing

Mention to your dentist if you have any of these symptoms. In addition, during regular dental appointments the spaces between your gums and teeth will be measured. When the gums become inflamed, they pull away from the tooth roots. Enlargement of these pockets can also indicate developing gingivitis or more severe gum disease.

If you show signs of gingivitis, you will be informed how to treat your gums to prevent more severe infection from developing. This often includes baking soda toothpaste, special mouthwashes, or even a course of antibiotics.


Preventing Gingivitis

As with most dental care, the best way to approach gingivitis is through prevention. Regular brushing and flossing helps keep the gums healthy through stimulation, and also removes plaque and tartar buildup along the gum line. These substances are highly acidic and can eat through the enamel, causing cavities. As they build up along the gum line, they can also lead to inflammation in the gums, gingivitis, and eventual gum disease.

Visiting the dentist regularly will also help prevent gingivitis. Gingivitis and gum disease can be diagnosed in early stages and treated before they become serious. Evaluating the gums, the pockets between the gums and the tooth roots, and making sure you are brushing and flossing correctly are all ways regular dental visits can help you keep your gums healthy.

If you would like further information on the causes and treatment of gingivitis, call the Littleton office the doctor Family Dentistry to schedule a consultation.

Smile Confidently With Dental Implants

dentures SurreyWhen people lose more than one tooth due to aging, injury, or other reasons, they may think that dentures are their only option for leading a normal life. However, dentures can be uncomfortable, they can slip out when you’re eating or talking, and they don’t help prevent bone loss that occurs when you lose tooth roots.

Dental implants include an artificial tooth root and a cap that is color-matched to your surrounding teeth (or selected to look as natural as possible). The implant is inserted surgically into the jaw, where it fuses with the jawbone. The cap is then placed on the post, creating a permanent and worry-free tooth replacement.

Patients who have lost several teeth and are considering dentures or already use dentures can also benefit from dental implants. Teeth to Stay-All in 1 Day  (also known as All-on-4), involves the placement of four implants along the jaw. The patient is then fitted with a complete arch of teeth that fit over the implants.

The Teeth to Stay-All in 1 Day allows you to leave the office with a complete set of teeth, so you can smile confidently.

As an implant dentist can tell you, patients who have lost all the teeth on their top or bottom jaws are susceptible to bone erosion. Without the tooth roots there to stimulate the bone and hold it in place, the jaw begins to wear away. If these patients are considering dental implants, a bone graft may be required to prevent the implants from failing.

Teeth to Stay-All in 1 Day does not require a bone graft because the implants are strategically placed in the parts of the jaw that are least affected by bone loss. Avoiding a bone graft can remove several months of healing time and an additional surgical procedure.

Dental implants require simple routine cleaning and check-ups. They can replace single lost teeth or an entire set of upper or lower teeth. Regain your confidence with a natural smile by choosing dental implants. Consult with our experienced team at Smiles Unlimited Dental Centre, servingSurreyand the neighboring areas, to learn more.

Aesthetic Dental Transformations

cosmetic dentist DenverDoes your smile look dull and tired? Maybe it has suffered from prolonged caffeine intake through dark drinks, chocolate and other foods? Or perhaps it has been damaged, through over-intense brushing, impact damage or other accident? Whatever the reason, your smile can be restored to its former glory through several techniques that are available by a cosmetic dentist.

Our smile is a key factor in instilling confidence; if we feel confident in ourselves, then those we interact with will similarly have more confidence in us. However, many of us feel self-conscious if our smile isn’t attractive.

Whether its tooth staining that requires treatment through teeth whitening, or physical repairs to the tooth enamel, a cosmetic dentist can address a range of problems to give you back the smile you once had, and help restore your confidence.

Teeth whitening treatment is the best solution to treating teeth that look dull and jaded. Over time, our teeth can lose their sparkle through a range of factors, such as diet, lifestyle, medications or simple wear and tear. Teeth whitening treatments can bring about a dramatic improvement in the brilliance of the tooth’s whiteness in a short time.

Tooth whitening can be performed at home through kits, or in a dental office, and the treatment venue is often determined by the level of staining and the patient’s desired results.

Teeth that are misshaped or uneven in appearance will benefit from dental veneers. Veneers are thin, tooth-shaped slivers of porcelain that are applied onto the front of problem teeth to reshape your smile. A dentist strips away a small amount of tooth enamel and bonds the dental veneer into place to provide a natural look.

Veneers treat a range of aesthetic dental imperfections, and can be used to conceal chipped or broken teeth, or teeth that are badly affected by staining. They can also close unsightly gaps between teeth, and can be blended to match the shape and shade of your natural teeth.

For more serious restorations, a cosmetic dentist may use such techniques as dental crowns or dental implants. Dental crowns are normally used to conceal badly damaged teeth, or as a support for a dental bridge, while dental implants are used to provide a natural replacement for lost teeth.

If you are interested in transforming your smile and would like more information on how cosmetic dentistry can benefit you, call the Denver office of Drs. Brewick and Hatzidakis today at 303-832-7789 to schedule a consultation.

Will Teeth Whitening Cause Tooth Sensitivity?

One of the most popular cosmetic treatments today is teeth whitening, mainly because stained or discolored teeth are very common. Whitening treatments are simple, often performed in the dentist office.


Side Effects of Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening treatments have limited side effects, all of which are minor. The most common side effects are irritation to the gums and other oral tissues, as well as tooth sensitivity. Sensitivity is more common among those who have thin enamel. Irritation to the gums is more likely during at-home whitening. When teeth are whitened in the office, the cosmetic dentist will use a special gel to protect the lips and gums.

In-office whitening provides almost immediate results. Your teeth can be lightened five to ten shades after a single one-hour treatment. At-home treatment shows results after seven to ten days, and is often recommended for more stubborn stains that do not respond well to in-office whitening.


Treating Sensitivity

If you experience sensitivity after whitening, be sure to consult with your cosmetic dentist for treatment suggestions. Toothpaste for sensitive teeth can help, as can other treatments that help replace minerals that build up the tooth enamel.

Sensitivity after whitening is more common after multiple treatments, so be sure to follow your dentist’s recommendations about the frequency of treatment. In most cases, a single treatment will provide dramatic results, then you will only need touch-up treatments to maintain your new, bright smile.

At-home treatment supplied by your dentist also has a slightly higher risk of sensitivity. Since at-home are used for more stubborn staining, if often makes use of stronger whitening agents. Be sure to follow your dentist’s instructions to reduce the risk of irritation to the gums and lips as well as the risk of tooth sensitivity. Over-the-counter whitening is generally not as strong, and so is less likely to cause sensitivity, but if you use it more frequently in order to get better results, the possibility of irritation increases.

To find out more about whitening treatments and how they can benefit your smile, contact the office of the doctor Family Dentistry, located in Littleton Colorado, today at 303 -730-1222 schedule a consultation.