Why Do Dentures Lose Their Fit?

For many years, dentures have been a popular method of replacing missing teeth, and even though newer treatments, such as dental implants have grown in popularity, dentures still remain hugely popular.

However, one drawback of dentures when compared to dental implants is in the way they fit into the patient’s mouth. While dental implants are inserted directly into the patient’s jaw bone, and so do not become loose; the pressure exerted on the gum tissues by dentures can often lead to the gum tissue becoming more pliable, while the jaw bone can shrink and erode.

When this occurs, dentures lose their once-snug fit, and begin to feel loose in the mouth; even in cases where denture adhesives are used. As a result, this can affect a person’s confidence in social situations, where they may feel afraid of their dentures slipping whilst eating or talking to others, or worse still, falling out completely.

Although dentures can often be adjusted in order to provide a better fit once they have become loose in the first place, any adjustment made is only a temporary solution, and dentures will once again begin to feel loose after a time. Dental implants, however, negate that issue by being placed directly into the patient’s jaw bone, which helps keep gum tissue and bone loss to a minimum.

For patients looking for a permanent solution to loose dentures, an innovative procedure known as All-on-4 implants can be used to secure a denture in as little as a day.

Also known as ‘Same day teeth’ and ‘Teeth to Stay – All in 1 Day’, All-on-4 dental implants allow an implant dentist to mount a full set of prosthetic teeth onto just 4 dental implants which have been strategically placed in the patient’s mouth. The dental implants provide strength and support to the replacement teeth while helping preserve gum tissue and jaw bone mass.

As a permanent solution to dentures, as well as to avoid dentures’ potential for embarrassment, All-on-4 dental implants are an ideal alternative; offering strength and support for oral functions such as biting and chewing, and even speech – all of which can be compromised by ill-fitting dentures.

Contact the office of Dr. Bernard Jin at 604-939-6111 for more information and to schedule your professional consultation today.

Common Causes and Symptoms of a Toothache

Toothache is a common reason to visit the dentist. Toothache can occur due to numerous issues, some of which are more serious than others. If you are experiencing toothache or any other unusual sensations in your teeth or mouth, you should make an appointment with your dental office for a diagnosis.

Causes of Toothache

The most common cause of toothache is tooth decay. If decay is left too long without treatment, it can reach the sensitive nerve or pulp area of the tooth, leading to persistent discomfort. Regular brushing and flossing as well as regular dental visits can help spot decay before it reaches this point.

Other causes of toothache include inflammation in the root area or damage to the tooth. If you have experienced trauma to the mouth and toothache develops, see your dentist to find out if a tooth or teeth have been damaged. [pullquote]Toothache can occur due to numerous issues, some of which are more serious than others.[/pullquote]

Whenever you experience toothache or increased sensitivity in the teeth, it’s a good idea to see the dentist to be sure the tooth is not seriously damaged or seriously decayed. Serious decay can lead to loss of the tooth, as can damage. An infection in the tooth can spread, sometimes even affecting the sinuses and endangering the brain.

Symptoms of Toothache

Symptoms of toothache can be mild or serious and can affect areas other than the teeth and mouth. Toothache symptoms include:

•    Discomfort, swelling, or throbbing in the tooth or gums
•    Twinges when you chew or bite
•    Persistent headache
•    Ache in the jaw or ears

If you experience any of these symptoms, see your dentist as soon as possible. The sooner you can determine the cause of your toothache, the sooner it can be diagnosed and treated. Treating toothache as soon as possible can reduce the risk of losing your tooth. It can also prevent decay from spreading through the mouth, endangering other teeth, or an infection spreading and leading to serious problems and side effects.

If you are experiencing toothache or discomfort, call the doctor Family Dentistry at our office to schedule an appointment.

Tooth Extraction: Is a dental implant in my future?

For anyone requiring having a tooth extracted, perhaps because it is ravaged by tooth decay, or broken or cracked due to a trauma, can understandably feel worried about the effects a missing tooth might have on their smile and oral functions. But dental implants offer an effective replacement that can restore and maintain the aesthetic and practical properties of their teeth.

A person missing one or more teeth can often feel self conscious about showing off their smile, or eating in public, as missing teeth can not only look unsightly, but can also compromise the way a person bites and chews food. A missing tooth can even influence and alter speech. [pullquote]Dental implants, however, allow an implant dentist to restore appearance and function to a patient’s teeth, helping to rebuild a smile as well as prolong and preserve a person’s normal eating pattern…[/pullquote]

Dental implants, however, allow an implant dentist to restore appearance and function to a patient’s teeth, helping to rebuild a smile as well as prolong and preserve a person’s normal eating pattern; and the treatment has become hugely popular in recent years, thanks in no small part to the range of benefits it bestows.

The treatment for dental implants involves the dentist placing one or more small titanium rods into the patient’s gums, which over time will bond with the jaw bone to provide a strong support for a porcelain crown that the dentist will shape and color to match the patient’s existing teeth, and then place on top of the titanium support.

Once in place, the benefits of dental implants include the reinforcement of surrounding teeth, which helps to restore and maintain bite strength, pattern and chewing action; the preservation of gum tissue and jaw bone which might otherwise begin to recede with other restorative methods; ease of aftercare, as dental implants do not require any special care and can be maintained as part of a regular dental health routine.

Perhaps the most attractive feature of dental implants, however, is their natural appearance. Due to their ability to be shaped and shaded to best match the patient’s existing teeth; dental implants can blend with existing teeth to provide a natural-looking smile that implant wearers will want to show off!

When are Veneers Recommended?

The use of porcelain veneers has enabled numerous cosmetic dental problems to be treated much more easily, simply, and for lower cost. This treatment can provide a dramatic makeover of your smile if you have surface damage or severe discoloration. With a relatively simple, non-invasive procedure, you can see your smile go from dingy to beautiful in two easy appointments.

Uses for Veneers

Numerous minor problems with the appearance of your teeth can be treated with veneers. At one time, these problems were addressed more often with full crowns or even orthodontic treatment. With a veneer, you can correct the look of your teeth without needing major reconstruction to your existing teeth. Some of the issues that can be improved or corrected with a veneer include:

•    Minor cracks
•    Chipping
•    Pitted surfaces
•    Intrinsic discoloration
•    Severe discoloration that does not respond to teeth whitening treatment

Other issues that were once treated with orthodontic treatment for which a veneer can be used include slight misalignment and small gaps between the teeth.

How Veneers Work

Using thin porcelain, this form of restoration creates a new tooth surface that is nearly indistinguishable from your natural teeth. The porcelain is color-matched to your existing teeth, and your cosmetic dentist takes a mold from which the veneer is created. Once the porcelain is bonded to your teeth with a special adhesive, it will last for many years, keeping your smile beautiful.

Porcelain is strong and durable, so you won’t have to take major precautions to keep it in good shape. Be sure to brush and floss regularly, and avoid staining agents, since porcelain cannot be whitened like your natural teeth can. You should also let your hygienist know about your cosmetic work. Special cleaning agents and cleaning tools can help reduce the chance of damaging the porcelain.

To find out more about how we can make your smile the best it can be, please contact the doctor Family Dentistry to schedule a consultation or an appointment.