Cosmetic Dentistry Can Fix Unsightly Dental Work

If you’ve had dental work in the past and are unhappy with the way it looks, a cosmetic dentist can help. From teeth that have been discolored by metal fillings to cracked or otherwise damaged teeth, cosmetic procedures can restore your smile to its original look.

Problems with Your Dental Work

Even if you’ve had restorations or other work done by an excellent dentist, problems can develop over time. Even worse is when you end up having dental work done that is poorly executed and detracts from your overall appearance. However, even in this case, cosmetic treatments can help you look your best again. [pullquote]If you’ve had dental work in the past and are unhappy with the way it looks, a cosmetic dentist can help.[/pullquote]

Some problems that can develop after dental restorations include:

  • Large fillings that eventually lead to cracks in teeth
  • Discoloration or perceived discoloration from metal fillings
  • Metal crowns that detract from your overall appearance

All these issues can be corrected by a cosmetic dentist, often with a relatively simple procedure. A consultation can help you determine what approach will work best for you.

Cosmetic Procedures to Improve Your Look

Some common procedures that can help repair unsightly dental work include:

  • Veneers
  • Tooth-colored fillings
  • Porcelain crowns

If your front teeth have suffered surface damage, cracks, or chipping, veneers are an excellent choice to restore your smile. Treatment with veneers is relatively non-invasive and can provide a dramatic result.

If you have metal fillings or crowns, you can have them replaced with tooth-colored substitutes. Your dentist can help determine if tooth-colored crowns are a good option for you. They don’t stand up to chewing pressure as well as metal crowns, but you can also have metal crowns that are covered in porcelain which will hold up better and still give you a natural look.

If you have had dental work in the past and are unhappy with the way it looks now, please contact the office of the doctor Family Dentistry to schedule a consultation with our cosmetic dentist. We’ll help you decide on the best options for revitalizing your smile.

Is It Best to Get Dental Implants Before or After Braces?

If you have missing teeth but also require orthodontic work to correct misalignment, you and your dentist will have to decide whether dental implants should be placed before or after your braces. The decision depends upon the goals of your orthodontic work and which teeth must be realigned.

Dental Implants After Braces

Placing implants after orthodontic work is completed is the most common options. There are several reasons for this. First and most importantly, dental implants are stationary once they are placed in the jawbone. Unlike natural teeth, they will not move in response to orthodontic treatment. So if the teeth around where the implant would be need to be shifted, it’s better to have the implant set into place after all the surrounding teeth are in the correct position.

In some cases, orthodontic work must be done to make room for the implants. In this case, it will also be necessary to complete the orthodontic work before the implant surgery is performed. Once your braces are removed, you’ll have plenty of room for your implant and can enjoy a perfect smile again.

Dental Implants Before Braces

There are some circumstances in which it’s better to have your dental implants placed before you get your braces. Your orthodontist will work with your implant dentist to determine which is the better option for your personal situation.

Implants can be placed before braces if the teeth that will be realigned are not near the teeth that will be replaced. For example, if you will have braces only on your front teeth but are missing a molar, the molar can be replaced with an implant before the orthodontic treatment begins. Also, sometimes the orthodontist will use an implant as part of the orthodontic work. Because the implant will not move, it can be used to anchor your braces and help provide better results.

If you have missing teeth and need braces, please contact our office at our office for a consultation. We’ll help you determine whether your implants should come before or after your orthodontic work.