What is Bruxism and Why Does it Occur

Many people subconsciously grind or clench their teeth – a condition known as bruxism. It is a common dental malady, and although bruxism cannot be fully cured, it is one that can be treated by a dentist.

Bruxism occurs when teeth make forceful contact with each other, and the condition often manifests when the person is sleeping, although certain emotional states such as anger can also trigger bruxism. Most sufferers of bruxism aren’t even aware they have the condition and clench or grind their teeth without thinking.

Bruxism can have a huge impact on a person’s oral health, and can lead to such issues as:

  • Wearing of the tooth enamel. In severe cases of Bruxism, the dentin may also come under threat.
  • Tooth damage, including cracking or chipping, or teeth becoming loose or sore.
  • Increased tooth sensitivity.
  • Facial pain due to continued and forceful clenching of the muscles in the jaw.
  • Temporomandibular pain – this is pain experienced in the jawbone ‘hinges’ on either side of the mouth.

Sufferers of bruxism should consult a dentist in order to find the cause of the bruxism and also to treat the condition and reduce its effects. A dentist may recommend sufferers wear a mouthguard at night to help protect the teeth from subconscious impact. The mouthguard will not only serve to absorb any impact caused from the collision of teeth, but will also protect against any damage that might otherwise be caused.  [pullquote]Most sufferers of bruxism aren’t even aware they have the condition and clench or grind their teeth without thinking.[/pullquote]

The dentist may also advise on changes to the patient’s lifestyle, such as avoiding coffee or other caffeinated drinks and foods, and alcohol before going to bed. Relaxation techniques, such as yoga or listening to calming music can help the mind and muscles relax, and may help alleviate the causes of stress which can in turn lead to the clenching and grinding of teeth.

Whatever the cause of a person’s Bruxism, our dental team can help alleviate the symptoms and effect of teeth clenching and grinding by working with the sufferer in order to find the cause of the problem and treat accordingly. Contact our Denver office today to schedule your professional consultation.

Good Dental Health Starts Early

dds downtown denverThe importance of good dental health cannot be understated, and so it is important to instil the need for an effective dental regimen as early as possible in childhood, in order to promote good dental health habits in later life. This includes showing children how to brush correctly and effectively, but also getting them used to visits to the dentist.

Children’s teeth undergo a lot of punishment as they grow; from sweet treats such as cakes and sweets to sugar-rich drinks, and while a child’s primary teeth will eventually give way to adult teeth, it is important to ensure that dental health habits learned in childhood carry on into adulthood.

Even before children have developed their primary teeth, parents can begin building good oral habits in their children by promoting the feeling of a clean mouth. This can be done by gentle cleaning of the child’s tongue and gums with some soft gauze. Once baby teeth begin to emerge, use a soft tooth brush to begin building a routine of brushing.

Children learn very quickly and often through imitation, and it shouldn’t be long before they are able to begin brushing their teeth independently. Even so, take the time to show the child how to brush effectively, including the back of the teeth and areas of the mouth that require particular attention, as well as the frequency of brushing teeth. Most adults brush twice daily, but for a child this may be several times more.

Regular dentist visits are important, not just for adults but for children too. Starting visits in earlier life can help dispel any fears of the dentist that might manifest, and the dentist can also help advise on how best to develop an ongoing dental health process, including the use of dental floss – which he or she can demonstrate to the child, as well as the use of mouthwash – spit, not swallow! – and fluoride treatments if required.

The dentist can also advise on correct diet and nutrition to consider, in order to promote good oral health. Recommendations often include fresh fruit and vegetables, low fat dairy products and whole grains while limiting the child’s exposure to harmful sugars.

Get your child off to a good start with their oral hygiene by introducing the importance of dental health early in life, and it will stand them in good stead as they grow up.

Contact Governor’s Park Dental Group serving Denver CO at 303-832-0427 to schedule your child’s visit.

My Teen Doesn’t Want Metal Mouth

Orthodontic treatment is common among teens and adolescents. By the time children have reached this age, all their permanent teeth have arrived, and it is possible to tell if they need adjustment due to misalignment, crowding or other issues. However, as common as braces are, some  might prefer a less visible option. For many teens, Invisalign is a better option considering the comfort and overall appearance.

How Invisalign Works

Invisalign moves misaligned teeth into correct positing using trays made of clear plastic rather than traditional metal braces with bands. Each tray represents an incremental movement of the teeth. After wearing the tray about two weeks, you’ll switch to the next tray, which will move your teeth a bit more. After the final tray is in place, your teeth will be properly aligned.

Aligner trays are made from carefully constructed digital models of what your teeth look like now and what they will look like when treatment is completed. The series of trays moves your teeth gradually into the desired final position. After the last tray is removed, you will wear a retainer, usually just at night, to keep your teeth from moving back into their misaligned position.

Why Not Traditional Braces?

Traditional braces are very effective and necessary at times. You and your dentist can consult to determine what orthodontic treatment is best for your teen’s needs. This decision will be based upon the severity and type of your child’s misalignment as well as on personal preference. This might include your level of confidence that your teen will be able to take appropriate care of the trays during treatment.

In cases where , it provides a variety of advantages including:

•    No sharp wires to injure the oral tissues
•    Trays can be removed to thoroughly clean the teeth
•    Trays are virtually invisible

To determine if the Invisalign treatment is the best orthodontic option for your teen, please call the doctor Family Dentistry, serving Highlands Ranch and neighboring areas, at 303 -730-1222 to schedule a one on one consultation.

Dental Implants for Renewed Self Confidence and Peace of Mind

dental implant dentist VancouverA missing tooth can lower your self-confidence and may cause you to hide you smile and shy away from social engagements and public speaking.

Patients are often attracted to dental implants to replace missing teeth because implants are the most natural option next to your original teeth.

Because they are so life like, dental implants give patients self confidence peace of mind.

A dental implant dentist offers a unique tooth replacement that is nearly identical to a biological tooth in appearance and performance.

When the implant dentist places the titanium device into a patient’s jaw, the end result is a re-creation of the absent tooth’s root. The dental implant is the only tooth replacement method to replicate the missing tooth’s entire structure, not merely fill in for the visible crown portion.

The dental implant serves a very important purpose in this aspect. It anchors the jawbone in the same way that a tooth’s root does.

When the root is not replaced, as is the case with bridges and dentures, the jawbone will atrophy over time. This effect is noticeable and can add to the problems with the smile’s appearance.

In addition to the aesthetic benefits, dental implant patients also get peace of mind from the durability of the replacement teeth. They become a permanent part of the mouth because they fuse with the jawbone.

Dental implants are also convenient because they are easy to care for. Because they share the form of natural teeth, they can be maintained just like the natural remaining teeth. There is no need for patients to alter their brushing and flossing techniques.

For more information on dental implants or to find out if they are the right option for you, call the office of Dr. Bernard Jin, serving Vancouver and surrounding areas, today to schedule a consultation.

Will Dental Implants Affect the Natural, Adjacent Teeth?

Dental implants are a great way to replace missing teeth. They look and feel just like natural teeth, and can keep all surrounding teeth in correct position. If you are considering implants, you might have questions about how the new, replacement teeth might affect your remaining natural teeth. [pullquote]Because dental implants are placed directly into the jawbone, they help stimulate growth in the bone.[/pullquote]

Implants to Prevent Long-Term Damage

Implants do affect the remaining teeth that lie adjacent, but only in positive ways. Having an implant is the next best thing to having your original teeth in this regard.

Because dental implants are placed directly into the jawbone, they help stimulate growth in the bone. With other replacement options, such as dentures or bridges, there is no root portion to help the bone tissue regenerate. This can lead to resorption of the bone, which can change the shape of the jawbone and eventually the face itself. It can also leave the remaining teeth with a less secure anchorage, making it more likely that they will move out of position or even become loose.

Implants to Prevent Misalignment

When you lose a tooth, a gap is left behind. The surrounding teeth, if left on their own, will naturally move into this gap. While this might not seem like a serious problem, over a period of time it can lead to a variety of issues. These can include:

•    Premature wear and tear
•    Clenching and grinding
•    Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD)

Keeping your teeth in proper alignment is very important to their ongoing health. If a single tooth is missing, it might not seem worth the effort to replace it, but making sure that gap is filled goes a long way toward helping you preserve the rest of your teeth.

If you have lost one or more teeth, call our team at the doctor Family Dentistry, serving Centennial Colorado and surrounding areas, so we can help you determine if implants are the best option for you.