What is a “Smile Analysis”?

There are several factors that can contribute to a less than desirable smile. Perhaps you have discoloration due to years of coffee and tea drinking. Perhaps you suffer from chipped, broken, crooked or missing teeth. If your smile is affecting your confidence, it is time to visit a cosmetic dentist for a smile analysis.

During a smile analysis, the cosmetic dentist will assess various aspects of your smile, including the color and position of your teeth and any cracks or chips. While there is no “ideal” smile that is perfect for everyone, there is a smile that is perfect for your mouth size and shape – and the dentist can help you find it.

There are several treatment options available to help give you the best smile possible. For discoloration, there are both in-office and take-home whitening systems that can restore your smile to a bright white. [pullquote]There are several treatment options available to help give you the best smile possible.[/pullquote]

Veneers and crowns are available for teeth that are discolored in ways that cannot be corrected by traditional whitening methods. Veneers and crowns can also correct broken, chipped or cracked teeth. Both veneers and crowns are tooth-colored appliances that are placed over the existing tooth surface to cover imperfections. They blend in with your existing teeth, so people will not even know they are there.

Tooth-colored fillings are another option for restoring teeth that have fractured or decayed. The filling material will be color-matched to the surrounding tooth surface, so they won’t be noticeable (unlike metal fillings).

For lost teeth, one solution is a dental implant. A dental implant is an artificial tooth root that fuses with the jawbone and is then covered with a crown or cap. The implant looks and acts like a real tooth, requires no extra care outside of routine oral hygiene, and can last for decades.

For more information and to learn which treatment options are recommended to enhance your smile’s appearance, contact Governor’s Park Dental Group, serving Denver and the surrounding areas, for your personalized smile analysis.


Consequences of a Single Tooth Loss

Most people do not consider the loss of a single tooth to be a serious situation. However, even one missing tooth can compromise the positioning and alignment of the rest of your teeth. If you have lost even one tooth, consult with our implant dentist to find out how replacing the tooth can ensure the long-term health of all your remaining teeth.

Effects of a Missing Tooth

When even one tooth is missing, space is created in the mouth. The rest of the teeth automatically move to fill that space. Unfortunately, this movement can cause the other teeth to become misaligned, crooked, or to overlap each other. Your smile, your self-confidence, and your oral health can be compromised.

When teeth move out of position in the mouth, some of the results include:

  • Discomfort as the teeth move
  • Uneven wear
  • Premature wear
  • Chipping or cracking
  • Malocclusion
  • Temporomandibular joint disorder

Tooth replacement options can help prevent these problems. One of the most effective forms of tooth replacement is the dental implant.

Replacing Your Teeth With Dental Implants

consist of a titanium screw that replaces the tooth root and a prosthetic tooth that replaces the visible portion of the tooth. Titanium bonds to bone, unlike other metals. This means the new root will remain very stable and will help stimulate the jawbone to grow. [pullquote]One of the most effective forms of tooth replacement is the dental implant.[/pullquote]

Replacing a single tooth with an implant is much easier than replacing it with a bridge or fixed denture. Bridges require that the adjacent teeth be altered to support the replacement tooth, either to make room for wires to hold the new tooth in place or to accept crowns on either side of the missing tooth. With implants, your dentist can place a single tooth root in the jawbone and add the visible portion, or the crown, without making any alterations to the adjacent teeth.

If you are missing one or more teeth, please contact our office, serving Highlands Ranch and the surrounding areas, to learn how dental implants can help you.

Dental Implants: Are there financing options available?

You have consulted with your dental implant dentist and learned of the advantages of implants to replace lost teeth. The only remaining consideration is how to deal with financing.

Paying for your dental implant is high on your priority list, and your dental provider has many options for your perusal. But one thing is certain. Dental implants will improve your quality of life and allow you to return to eating, speaking and smiling with the ease and confidence you enjoyed before tooth loss occurred. [pullquote]Dental implants will improve your quality of life and allow you to return to eating, speaking and smiling with the ease and confidence you enjoyed before tooth loss occurred.[/pullquote]

Patient Link is a financing option that offers a program to fit your needs. Qualified patients can select from a variety of programs that offer extended repayment plans from interest free plans to extended term. The staff at Patient Link treats all patients in a courteous and fair manner while providing access to a wide range of financial services.

Another option for your consideration is MediCard. This repayment plan will reimburse your dental provider on your behalf, and make monthly payments easy by directly debiting your bank account. Dental financing has never been easier.

Now that financing has been arranged your dental implant procedure can commence. A small screw like device made from titanium will be surgically placed in the gum tissue where tooth loss has occurred. During the healing process of approximately four to six months, the implant is fusing to the surrounding bone tissue. This will allow the implant to act much like the root of your natural teeth and provide strength and stability to the final restoration.

Once your implant dentist is assured the implant has healed and fused properly, a final restoration will be designed to place over your implant. Made to match the shape and shade of your surrounding teeth, your new dental implant will be virtually undetectable.

You will now be able to eat the foods you love; you can speak without hesitation; but most importantly you can smile with confidence.

Taking care of your implant is easy …. daily flossing and brushing at least twice per day will keep your new implant and the rest of your teeth strong and healthy. Visits to your dental provider twice per year for a professional cleaning and exam along with excellent home oral hygiene habits will help keep that newly acquired smile stunning for many years.

To learn more about financing options for your dental implant treatment, contact the office of Dr. Bernard Jin, serving Vancouver and the surrounding areas, at 604-939-6111.

What is the Lifespan of a Dental Implant?

implant dentist DenverMore and more patients are turning to dental implants as a tooth replacement solution. Implants are valued by the patient and the implant dentist for being low maintenance and for looking like a natural tooth The success rate of dental implants for most patients is 95 percent or higher, with success being defined as an implant that lasts more than five years – but do they last even longer?

With proper care, a dental implant can last 25 years or longer. The technology is still fairly new, so there is not a great deal of documentation of implants that have been in place longer than that. One of the biggest determining factors in the lifespan of an implant is good oral hygiene – patients must brush and floss daily in order to keep the surrounding teeth and gum tissue healthy.

Along with good oral hygiene, the placement of the implant can affect longevity. Back molars receive more wear and tear than other teeth in the front of the mouth, so implants that replace molars may have a shorter life. Patients that do not grind their teeth (a condition also known as bruxism) may have longer-lasting molar implants than those that do.

A patient’s overall health can also affect the longevity of a dental implant – patients who are in good health when they receive the implant and who remain in good health are more likely to maintain their implants for decades. Non-smokers also have lower failure rates than smokers. Having them placed by an experienced implant dentist can also help ensure they last as long as possible.

Implant technology has come a long way since its inception. Implant dentists are using more and more durable materials and increasingly reliable methods. Patients who maintain good oral habits, don’t smoke, and who follow their implant dentist’s post-operative instructions can have implants that last two or more decades. Call our Denver office at 303-832-7789 for more information and to schedule your visit.


Invisalign: The Clear Alternative To Braces

If your teeth are not properly aligned, your dentist might recommend orthodontic treatment. Traditionally, this has meant metal braces to move the teeth into position. Today, however, more and more patients are as an alternative to traditional braces.

Choosing Invisalign

If you are considering orthodontic treatment, you should consult with your dentist regarding your goals. In some cases, traditional braces will provide better results.

Invisalign can be used to treat a variety of orthodontic issues including:

  • Gaps between the teeth
  • Malocclusion
  • Crooked teeth
  • Crowding

For successful Invisalign treatment, you must also be prepared to take proper care of your aligner trays and wear them as your dentist recommends. As a general rule, you’ll be required to wear the trays at least twenty-two hours a day for the best possible long term results. Care of the trays includes keeping them clean and away from staining agents and hot liquids that could warp the plastic. Trays can be brushed when you brush your teeth or cleaned with a special solution.

Advantages to Invisalign

If your orthodontic issues make you a good candidate, Invisalign can offer you numerous advantages over traditional braces. Since many adults are self conscious about traditional metal braces, Invisalign provides an option that is virtually invisible. Many people won’t even realize you are undergoing orthodontic treatment. In addition, you can take the trays out for brief periods, including while you eat or for special occasions.

Invisalign trays are made of smooth plastic, which is less likely to cause irritation than traditional wires. Each tray moves your teeth a small amount, until, by the time you reach the final tray, your teeth have been moved to form a perfect smile.

If your teeth are misaligned, crooked, or have gaps between them, ask our dentists at the doctor Family Dentistry about Invisalign. We’ll evaluate your teeth and determine if this is the best treatment option for you. Call our office serving the Highlands Ranch area at our office to schedule your visit.

Why Choose Implants Over Dentures?

tooth replacement VancouverModern dentistry today offers many options for tooth replacement. There are numerous considerations from financial to practical so a consultation with our dental provider to establish a treatment plan for your particular circumstance is the first step to find the best solution for you.

Tooth loss can occur at any age due to trauma, decay or disease. Whether you have lost one or several teeth, an excellent option to regain the ability to eat, speak and smile with ease is dental implants.

What makes implants such a popular choice? When tooth loss occurs, there is more going on than just what you can see. The need to fill in the space to keep remaining teeth from drifting is essential. But just as important is the need to keep the bone tissue strong. If bone in the gums is allowed to deteriorate, this can change your appearance and interfere with the ability to chew.

A dental implant is a small screw like device made from titanium that is surgically placed in gum tissue where a tooth has been lost. As the implant heals it is encouraging bone to regenerate and strengthen.  The implant will act like the root of your tooth giving strength and stability to the final restoration.

A denture is made to basically sit on top of the gum, and does nothing to keep bone tissue strong. Although a denture can provide aesthetic improvement, the ability to eat certain foods or smile and speak with confidence is never a certainty.

A dental implant becomes a permanent part of your dental anatomy. It acts much the same way as your natural tooth in that it is not removable and looks so natural only your implant dentist will know that it is a dental implant.

There are different types of dentures, and caring for a denture varies depending on the type the wearer has chosen. Commonly referred to as “false teeth” a denture is completed in less time, but can require relining and multiple adjustments.

Caring for your dental implant is as easy as caring for the rest of your teeth. Daily flossing, brushing at least twice per day and seeing your dental provider for a professional cleaning and exam twice per year should keep you and your dental implant healthy for a lifetime of smiles.

For more information about the benefits of choosing dental implants in the Vancouver area, contact our team at Smiles Unlimited Dental Centre today.

Receding Gums: Are Dental Implants Still an Option?

Healthy gums are an important factor in ensuring the success of dental implants. Gums help protect the roots of the teeth and support the biting and chewing surfaces. If you have thin or receding gums, your dentist will evaluate your condition to determine if dental implants are a good option.

Healthy Gums and Implant Success

A number of factors can affect the success of dental implants. These include:

  • The patient’s overall health
  • Bone mass in the jaw
  • Gum disease
  • Thin or receding gums

If you are in good general health, have a strong jawbone and healthy gums, little preparation is needed before you can undergo implant treatment. However, if the jawbone is not strong enough to support the implants, bone grafting might be necessary. If the gums are thin or have receded from gum disease or other issues, a gum graft or other preparation can increase the likelihood that your implant procedure will be successful. [pullquote]Healthy gums are an important factor in ensuring the success of dental implants.[/pullquote]

Healthy gum tissue is important because it covers the roots of the teeth. Likewise, it covers the root portion of your implant. If gums have receded, the titanium screw that serves as the artificial root will be exposed, increasing the possibility that your implant will fail.

Treating Receding Gums

Receding gums can be treated before your implant procedure, although your implant dentist might choose to treat the issues during or even after the placement of the implants. Your individual situation and your dentist’s preference will determine the approach used.

In some cases, your implant dentist can reposition existing gum tissue to augment the tissue that supports your implant. In other cases, the dentist might prefer to perform a gum grafting procedure. Repositioning tissue is usually accomplished during the placement of the implant. Gum grafts can be performed before or after implant placement.

If, before your implant procedure, you are suffering from gingivitis or more serious gum disease, your dentist will probably recommend treatment for your gum disease to remove the inflammation, infection and bacteria, which can severely compromise your implants.

To find out if you are a in Centennial or the surrounding areas, contact the doctor Family Dentistry at our office to schedule your consultation.