Why Choose Implants Over Dentures?

tooth replacement VancouverModern dentistry today offers many options for tooth replacement. There are numerous considerations from financial to practical so a consultation with our dental provider to establish a treatment plan for your particular circumstance is the first step to find the best solution for you.

Tooth loss can occur at any age due to trauma, decay or disease. Whether you have lost one or several teeth, an excellent option to regain the ability to eat, speak and smile with ease is dental implants.

What makes implants such a popular choice? When tooth loss occurs, there is more going on than just what you can see. The need to fill in the space to keep remaining teeth from drifting is essential. But just as important is the need to keep the bone tissue strong. If bone in the gums is allowed to deteriorate, this can change your appearance and interfere with the ability to chew.

A dental implant is a small screw like device made from titanium that is surgically placed in gum tissue where a tooth has been lost. As the implant heals it is encouraging bone to regenerate and strengthen.  The implant will act like the root of your tooth giving strength and stability to the final restoration.

A denture is made to basically sit on top of the gum, and does nothing to keep bone tissue strong. Although a denture can provide aesthetic improvement, the ability to eat certain foods or smile and speak with confidence is never a certainty.

A dental implant becomes a permanent part of your dental anatomy. It acts much the same way as your natural tooth in that it is not removable and looks so natural only your implant dentist will know that it is a dental implant.

There are different types of dentures, and caring for a denture varies depending on the type the wearer has chosen. Commonly referred to as “false teeth” a denture is completed in less time, but can require relining and multiple adjustments.

Caring for your dental implant is as easy as caring for the rest of your teeth. Daily flossing, brushing at least twice per day and seeing your dental provider for a professional cleaning and exam twice per year should keep you and your dental implant healthy for a lifetime of smiles.

For more information about the benefits of choosing dental implants in the Vancouver area, contact our team at Smiles Unlimited Dental Centre today.