Sleep Apnea

sleep apnea highland parkDaytime fatigue is a common indicator of sleep apnea, a serious but treatable medical condition.

Extensive research indicates there may be long-term health complications due to sleep apnea. Therefore,  it is important for patients to treat sleep apnea just as they would any other serious medical condition.  Aleviating the snoring does not treat sleep apnea.  Due to its research-supported association with fatigue, strokes, and cardiovascular problems, sleep apnea that does not respond to lifestyle treatments should be treated by a doctor,  preferrably a specialist in sleep disorders.

Those who snore or suffer from sleep apnea may benefit from non-invasive oral appliance therapy.   Oral appliance therapy can restore healthful slumber.

A comfortable, easy-to-use nightguard can also eliminate teeth grinding and jaw clenching to stop dental wear and tear. Dr. Lindley offers custom-made athletic mouthguards to prevent oral damage from sports-related accidents.