Baby Bottles and Tooth Decay

We’ve all heard the admonishment not to put your child to bed with a baby bottle. There are many reasons why this habit can have a negative impact on your child, with tooth decay being a primary factor to consider. Your dentist can give you all the reasons why a baby bottle and tooth decay are so closely related. [pullquote]Prevention is the key to battling tooth decay in the very young. [/pullquote]

If we filled our baby bottles with water, we would be encouraged to provide those bottles from morning to night. But the milk, baby formula and juices we put in those bottles are generally loaded with sugar. And what happens? The baby or toddler goes to sleep right after consuming the contents of the bottle quite often storing some of the bottle contents in the mouth throughout the night.

The sugar in the beverages will stay on the teeth of the child. Dental decay is attributed to bacteria that live on teeth, and this bacterium thrives on sugar allowing plaque to grow. Eventually dental plaque can result in decay even in very young children. Many people believe that since those baby teeth are eventually replaced with permanent teeth that what the child consumes at an early age doesn’t matter.

But they couldn’t be more wrong. Those baby teeth are what prepare the child’s mouth for their permanent teeth. If baby teeth are riddled with dental caries, the permanent teeth are likely to suffer. In addition, that forms on those primary teeth can cause much discomfort for your child and result in a traumatic first visit to the dentist.

Prevention is the key to battling tooth decay in the very young. Unfortunately, we can’t rely on our children to do what is best for them. That responsibility falls to parents, caregivers, older siblings, grandparents and those in charge of caring for our children.

We must start at home to make sure we are doing everything we can to make sure our children’s teeth are protected. It is never too early to get in the habit of brushing those baby teeth with age appropriate toothpaste.

Raising children to be cavity free is certainly not easy, but not impossible. Knowing the negative impact of the contents of the baby bottle and dental decay is a good first step in prevention of dental decay.

Contact the doctor Family Dentistry at our office to learn more and to schedule your child’s first visit.

Dental Implants: Never use denture adhesive again

The advantages of dental implants have been touted by dental professionals for years. An artificial tooth that is almost an exact replica of a natural tooth has excited the dental industry. Implant dentists have taken great pleasure in providing patients with teeth that are so predictable, so durable, and also natural looking. [pullquote]Patients who have turned to dental implants are finding that the denture can immediately and permanently be stabilized.[/pullquote]

Outside of the clinical setting, what are patients saying about dental implants? How have dental implants impacted their lives once they leave the dental office? If asked, these patients would say that dental implants are the only reasonable substitute for their natural teeth.

Patients who had struggled for years with ill-fitting dentures may have the most compelling reasons to celebrate dental implants. Imagine living with a set of false teeth that must be glued to your gums with denture paste or adhesives. Over time, even the strongest adhesive fails to stabilize dentures when the underlying bone is shrinking due to bone loss. Chewing and speaking become an embarrassing challenge. For many patients, this inconvenience and discomfort quickly becomes intolerable.

Patients who have turned to dental implants are finding that the denture can immediately and permanently be stabilized. Denture adhesives and glues are no longer a necessity, as the denture is firmly anchored to the underlying jaw bone. The fusion between the dental implant and the jaw bone prevents bone loss, preserving a firm and stable foundation for your denture.

Clinically, your implant dentist appreciates the fact that you will never need to use denture adhesives again. It’s proof that your denture is well-made and functioning properly. As a patient, you may appreciate it for a different reason. Realizing that you will no longer have to glue your teeth to your gums is a liberating feeling. Your dental implants will allow you to relax and feel comfortable with your smile without the fear of embarrassment or insecurity.

Free yourself from denture adhesives for life. Contact the office of Dr. Bernard Jin, serving the Surrey BC area, and learn about the advantages of dental implants. Call 604-939-6111 to schedule your consultation.

Financing Cosmetic Dentistry Treatment

Cosmetic Dentist DenverThere are many reasons to want to enhance your appearance. Self-confidence in your smile can improve your overall well-being. But depending on your dental needs, you might not have the liquidity to make the desired changes. Your cosmetic dentist can make recommendations for your new smile makeover, and there are many options to allow you to financially manage them.

Many employers and insurance plans have ways to save funds for these procedures. But if you do not have access to one of those savings plans, there is a credit card available through GE called Care Credit that is designed to provide you the funds needed for your dental care.

Your cosmetic dentist can design a treatment plan specifically for you with repayment options including:

  • Flexible Spending Account – You are allowed to save funds on a pre-tax basis. You work with your employer to set aside a payroll deduction that is withheld from your paycheck before taxes. Generally the amount that you save on taxes can make a great start for this plan. The one caveat to a flexible spending account is that money saved through the year must be used during that year or it is lost.
  • Health Savings Account – The HSA works much like the flexible spending account with one very big exception. If the funds are not used, they are rolled over making them accessible when you’re ready to use them.
  • Care Credit – GE has made available a credit card plan designed specifically to pay for your health care needs. Many of these plans offer interest free incentives for a designated period making them ideal for needed dental treatment. Repayment is much like a standard credit card in that minimum monthly payments must be made to keep the account in good standing.

Whether you rely on a qualified savings plan like FSA or HSA, or wish to take advantage of the Care Credit plan, your cosmetic dentist will be able to design a treatment plan that will fit your budgetary and timeline requirements.

It is important that you let our dental provider know whatever limitations you might have so the best options may be presented to fulfill your needs. One thing is certain … with these many options available, the smile makeover you desire is more accessible than ever before. Call our Denver cosmetic dentist at 303-832-7789 if you have any questions.

When is a Dental Bridge Recommended?

Suffering the loss of a permanent tooth can be a traumatic event. But when trying to save a failing tooth becomes more problematic, the option of removing one or maybe a couple of teeth can bring relief from discomfort. Our dentist can provide you with a solution that will have you smiling again in no time.

That solution is a dental bridge. When one or a couple of teeth are lost, a dental bridge allows your dentist to replace that loss with a permanent dental appliance that will look beautiful and allow you to enjoy the functionality you had before.

There are several types of dental bridges. Based on the location in your mouth, your dentist will be able to make a recommendation for the type that is best suited for you. [pullquote]When one or a couple of teeth are lost, a dental bridge allows your dentist to replace that loss with a permanent dental appliance that will look beautiful and allow you to enjoy the functionality you had before.[/pullquote]

A thorough dental exam will be needed to ensure that the teeth intended to support your new bridge are sound and healthy. One of the leading causes of bridge failure is dental decay in the abutment teeth that are the support of your bridge.

The process of placing a dental bridge involves preparing the supporting teeth. It will be necessary to place dental crowns on these teeth. The bridge is then made up of those two crowns and the replacement teeth between the crowns, called pontics. Your dentist will make impressions of your teeth for the dental lab to fabricate your dental bridge to closely match the shape and shade of your surrounding teeth. Your dentist will place a temporary bridge to protect your prepared teeth while your permanent bridge is being made.

When completed, your dentist will “try-in” your new bridge to guarantee fit and functionality. When you and your dentist are satisfied with the final result, the bridge is permanently cemented in place. Upon completion you should again be able to eat, speak, and smile without difficulty. A dental bridge can take a little time for adjustment, which is normal.

Our dentist will explain the importance of excellent oral hygiene habits consisting of daily flossing and brushing tips to keep plaque build-up to a minimum. Your commitment to twice yearly dental visits becomes crucial in order to maintain good dental health and the long life of your dental bridge. Contact our Governor’s Park Dental office in Denver for additional information on how dental bridges can work for you.

Dental Implants: What will happen without treatment?

As children we expect we will lose our baby teeth knowing they will be replaced by our permanent teeth. But as an adult, if we lose one of those permanent teeth, we are faced with a predicament. One of the best solutions to resolve this situation is with dental implants.

A dental implant is a small device that resembles a screw that is surgically placed in the gum tissue where a tooth is missing. The implant is intended to fuse to the bone making it the anchor for your new tooth acting much like the root of your natural tooth.

The implant becomes a permanent part of your dental anatomy, and your implant dentist will complete your procedure by providing you with a final restoration that closely matches the shape and shade of your natural teeth. This makes your dental implant undetectable and allows you to function in much the same way as before your tooth loss. [pullquote]A dental implant is a small device that resembles a screw that is surgically placed in the gum tissue where a tooth is missing.[/pullquote]

If you opt not to proceed with treatment to replace that lost tooth, there are several potential scenarios:

  • A gap due to a missing tooth allows the potential for the remaining teeth to shift. If this happens, your bite can be affected, creating problems with grinding and clenching, as well as other problems attributed to a malocclusion.
  • Speech can be affected by a missing tooth.
  • Eating a well-balanced diet can be difficult with a missing tooth.
  • Your self-confidence can be hampered if all of a sudden you are uncomfortable with your smile due to your tooth loss.

Now that you know what can happen if you decide not to pursue dental treatment for that lost tooth, let’s look at the positive aspect of replacing a tooth lost to decay, disease or trauma.

The discomfort you realized because of your dental dilemma will be resolved. You can eat, speak and smile with confidence again.

Your implant dentist will prepare a treatment plan specifically to fit you and your dental needs. The entire process including the appointments needed, what is involved in the actual procedure, healing time and financial commitment will be discussed thoroughly before proceeding with treatment.

Understanding the positive impact your new tooth can provide will reinforce your decision to move forward.  A consultation is the first step to seeing what life can be like again with your new . Contact the doctor Family Dentistry, serving the Highlands Ranch area, at our office to schedule your visit.