Happiness Is…

We want to wish all of our patients a very happy and healthy New Year!  As a part of our resolutions list, we want to appreciate the simple things in life a little more…just like Linus does in the photo below!

Common Causes of Tooth Loss

Tooth loss is a common problem, especially as we get older. Various problems can lead to loss of teeth, some of which are not under our immediate control. However, when you do lose teeth, you can now have them replaced with dental implants, which give you a natural look that will keep your mouth and jaw healthy for many years to come.

Causes of Tooth Loss

Many factors can lead to the loss of teeth. Some have to do with how we take care of our teeth and oral tissues on a daily basis, but others occur because of accidents, hereditary problems, or other issues.

Some of the common causes of tooth loss include:

  • Tooth decay
  • Gum disease
  • Trauma to the tooth due to accident or injury
  • Weak or thin tooth enamel


If you brush and floss your teeth regularly, you can reduce your risk of tooth decay and gum disease. If you are involved in contact sports, you can reduce the risk of dislodging a tooth through trauma by wearing a mouthguard. Wearing a seatbelt can reduce the possibility of injury during a car accident, as can wearing a helmet if you are riding a bicycle or motorcycle. All these precautions can help protect you from tooth loss. However, if you have weak tooth enamel or exceptionally brittle teeth due to genetics, all you can do is take the best possible care of your teeth.

What to Do if You Lose Your Teeth

If you do lose teeth due to any of the above problems, you can have them replaced. Dental implants have become a popular option for tooth replacement because they are practically indistinguishable from natural teeth and also help maintain the health of your jawbone.

If you have lost teeth, or even a single tooth, a consultation with an implant dentist will help you decide if implants are a good choice for you. If you have questions about implants, please give us a call at our office to schedule a consultation.