Will My Whitened Teeth Retain Their New Color?

teeth whitening DenverTeeth whitening is a popular cosmetic dentistry procedure that can dramatically transform your smile. Exposure to staining agents is the most common cause of discolored teeth. Teeth whitening can correct this staining in a simple procedure that can lighten teeth seven to ten shades in one treatment. With proper care, your teeth can remain white for many years.

Caring for Your Whitened Teeth

Regular care and brushing are important to keep your treated teeth white. Your cosmetic dentist will provide guidelines for how to care for your teeth after your whitening treatment. One important guideline is to avoid staining agents. These agents, which likely caused your teeth to be stained in the first place, will continue to stain your teeth if exposure continues after your whitening treatment. Agents that will stain your teeth after whitening include:

  • Coffee
  • Tea
  • Fruit juices
  • Nicotine

If you are careful to avoid staining agents, your teeth whitening treatment will last much longer. Periodic maintenance treatments, which take much less time than a full whitening treatment, will help keep your smile bright and white.

Maintenance Treatments for Teeth Whitening

Most dentists will suggest avoidance of certain foods and beverages for a short period immediately after teeth whitening—usually about twenty-four hours. This helps you get the best results from your whitening treatment, as the teeth can be more susceptible to staining for a short time after whitening.

Our cosmetic dentist will provide instructions and guidance regarding maintenance. You might receive trays and whitener to use at home periodically to keep your teeth white, or you might be asked to come back on occasion for a maintenance treatment in the office. Either way, your teeth will likely be much less stained than they were before your initial whitening treatment, and the in-office treatment will take less time.

To find out more about teeth whitening, how it works, and how to keep your smile white both before and after whitening treatment, please call our Denver office at 303-832-7789 for an appointment or consultation.


Enjoy Safety and Convenience With Digital X-Rays

Digital Radiography (x-rays) are a vital tool in dental diagnosis. With x-rays, your dentist can find signs of decay before they are visible to the naked eye and before they cause any symptoms. X-rays also help your dentist find irregularities in the jawbones or with teeth that have not yet emerged.

How Digital X-Rays Work

Traditional x-rays use a low dose of x-ray light to transmit pictures to film that is sensitive to this type of light. The film must then be developed in order for the dentist to evaluate the pictures. This can take several minutes.

Rather than using film, digital x-rays use a special sensor that responds to exposure to x-rays. This sensor transmits the resulting images directly to a computer in digital format. The pictures are available for evaluation immediately—there is no need for delay while x-rays are developed on film.

Advantages of Digital X-Rays

Digital x-rays offer numerous advantages over traditional film x-rays. These include:

  • No film or other waste, decreasing environmental impact
  • Lower radiation exposure
  • Faster development of pictures
  • Easier evaluation
  • Easier storage and transfer

Because digital x-rays can be stored easily on the computer, they can also be easily and quickly compared to each other. With special software, your dentist can compare a series of x-rays that have been taken over a period of time. These detailed digital comparisons make it easy to see any changes that might have occurred, including very small changes that might not be immediately obvious on a single x-ray.

To find out how digital x-rays can help improve diagnostics and ensure your long term dental health, please contact ourLittletonoffice at our office. With digital x-rays, we can closely monitor your teeth and ensure that decay and other problems are treated promptly.

Am I a Candidate for All-on-Four Implants?

Are you missing (or at risk of losing) all of your upper or lower teeth? Are you suffering through life with ill-fitting dentures? Have you been informed traditional dental implants are not an option for you due to advanced bone loss? Is your overall health within normal limits (no uncontrolled health conditions or impaired immune system disorders)? [pullquote]The All-on-Four concept is a revolutionary method of combining the best aspects of traditional dentures and traditional dental implants.[/pullquote]

If you can answer “yes” to any or all of these questions, there is a strong possibility that All-on-Four implants could be right for you. A comprehensive evaluation and discussion with an experienced implant dentist is necessary for the most accurate recommendation.

The All-on-Four concept is a revolutionary method of combining the best aspects of traditional dentures and traditional dental implants.

Although traditional dentures have earned a reputation for slipping out of place and generally fitting poorly, there are also a few undeniable advantages. Dentures are an efficient solution for complete tooth loss and they can typically be made in one day.

Dental implants also have their fair share of advantages and disadvantages. Implants are more similar to the natural teeth than any other tooth replacement solution. They are also the most stable and most comfortable alternative. Unfortunately, traditional dental implants are not recommended where there has been significant bone loss. Implants are fantastic for replacing a single tooth or a few teeth, but can become complicated and costly when all of the teeth are missing.

Our Vancouver implant dentist can utilize as few as four strategically placed dental implants to stabilize an upper or lower denture. The proper technique enables your dentist to place the implants in areas even where advanced bone loss has occurred. Your denture can be permanently affixed to the implants, eliminating any risk of slipping or sliding out of place. You will enjoy immediate comfort during chewing and speaking.

If All-on-Four implants are right for you, you may begin enjoying your new teeth in as little as a single day. Call the office of Dr. Bernard Jin at 604-939-6111 for a consultation to discuss the journey towards your new smile.

Can Crowns Improve the Appearance of Natural Teeth?

Dental crowns are used for numerous cosmetic treatments as well as for restorations. They are more commonly used to restore teeth that have been severely cracked or that have undergone a root canal treatment. However, crowns are still sometimes used for cosmetic purposes to improve the appearance of natural teeth. [pullquote]Dental crowns are used for numerous cosmetic treatments as well as for restorations.[/pullquote]

Cosmetic Crowns

At one time, crowns were the most common way to treat cracked, pitted, heavily discolored or misshapen teeth. They can also be used to slightly reposition teeth or to alter the bite. In some cases, porcelain veneers are used for these purposes, since they are less invasive and easier to place than crowns.

However, sometimes teeth are too damaged to support veneers, or other issues mean veneers are not the best choice for restorations. In these cases, crowns can be a better option. If teeth have already had restorations such as fillings, especially multiple fillings or large fillings, crowns are often a better choice for additional restoration. In addition, veneers are only used on front teeth. Restoration or cosmetic treatment for molars is best accomplished with cosmetic crowns.

How Dental Crowns are Placed

Whether they are for cosmetic or restoration purposes, dental crowns are placed in a two-part process. First, the tooth is prepared. The dentist reshapes the tooth to make room for the crown, then molds are taken. A temporary crown is affixed to the tooth to protect it over the next few days while the custom made, permanent crown is manufactured.

When the permanent crown is ready, the dentist removes the temporary crown and affixes the permanent crown. Crowns can be made from porcelain, metal, or metal fused with porcelain. A consultation with our dentist can help you determine which of these options is best for you and for the individual tooth. For example, metal crowns or metal crowns bonded with porcelain are often preferred for back teeth because they can better withstand the force exerted during chewing.

For more information about cosmetic crowns, please contact Governor’s Park Dental Group serving Denver CO to schedule an appointment or a consultation.


What is a Smile Makeover?

cosmetic dentist Highland ParkMany people are dissatisfied with their smiles. Some may instinctively raise their hands to their mouths to hide crooked teeth when they smile. Others may master the art of a tight-lipped grin that conceals a chipped or cracked tooth.

If you are one of those patients who is too ashamed to flash your pearly whites, rest assure that the smile of your dreams is within reach.

With advances in modern dentistry, a cosmetic dentist can enhance almost any smile. Whether your smile needs minor touches or a major upgrade, our experienced team can help you achieve the results you desire.

In complex cases, or those with a number of issues, a smile makeover can be completed using a variety of techniques and devices to make the smile more aesthetically pleasing.

Your cosmetic dentist may rely on any number of treatments in a smile makeover. If a tooth or multiple teeth have been lost, dental implants may be the initial intervention.

In comparison to other tooth replacement methods, dental implants are more lifelike and functional. The dental implant, which is a titanium screw, fuses with the jawbone, preventing embarrassing slip-ups along with the jawbone erosion that can prematurely age a person with missing teeth.

The artificial crowns held in place by the implants can be tailored to match the shade and shape of the patient’s biological teeth¾or improve on them.

For patients with teeth in need of repair or improvements, veneers may provide the solution. Veneers offer the cosmetic dentist flexibility. They can hide chips or cracks in teeth, fill in gaps or even straighten a stretch of crooked teeth.

When a patient’s teeth are too crooked to be realigned with veneers, orthodontic treatment may be necessary. That doesn’t mean that patients have to be burdened with metal appliances, though. The Invisalign system straightens the teeth with a series of clear plastic trays.

Teeth whitening can be the final element in a comprehensive smile makeover. Bleaching the teeth can make the other treatments even more eye-catching, and with in-office systems such as ZOOM!, results are visible in around an hour. You can give your smile a major boost on your lunch hour!

With all of the resources available through cosmetic dentistry, there’s no need to settle for a less-than-spectacular smile. Contact the office of Dr. Philip E. Lindley, serving the Highland Park area, and ask how you might improve upon your pearly whites. Call 214-528-7870 and schedule your consultation today!

Stop Jawbone Atrophy with Dental Implants

The loss of teeth can lead not only to gaps in your smile and shifting in the position of the rest of your teeth, but it also leads to atrophy of the jawbone. Losing bone mass in the jaw is common among those who wear traditional dentures. Our can help you decide if dental implants are a good choice for you to replace your missing teeth.

What Causes Jawbone Atrophy?

Under normal circumstances, the roots of your teeth stimulate growth in the jawbone when you bite and chew. When teeth are lost, these roots are no longer present, and the bone is no longer regularly stimulated. This causes the bone tissue to deteriorate gradually. After many years, the jawbone atrophies enough that it can actually change the shape and appearance of your face. [pullquote]The loss of teeth can lead not only to gaps in your smile and shifting in the position of the rest of your teeth, but it also leads to atrophy of the jawbone.[/pullquote]

do not help stimulate growth in the jawbone because they rest on top of the gums. Bone growth is stimulated by movement of the roots within the jawbone and by pressure on the chewing surfaces. Dentures do not supply this kind of stimulation, and thus do not help maintain bone mass in the jaw.

How Dental Implants Help Preserve Bone Mass

Dental implants provide an artificial tooth root that is placed directly into the jawbone. This root is made of titanium, which naturally bonds with bone. When you speak, bite and chew, the replacement roots react the same way natural roots would, providing sufficient stimulation to the jawbone to keep its tissues growing and regenerating.

For dental implants to be placed successfully, sufficient bone mass must already exist in the jawbone. In some cases, if teeth have been missing for a long time or if you have been wearing dentures, your implant dentist might recommend bone grafts to provide sufficient support for your implants.

To find out more about dental implants and how they can help you keep a healthy, beautiful smile and a strong jawbone, please contact the doctor Family Dentistry serving Highlands Ranch to schedule a consultation.

Keeping Teeth Healthy During Pregnancy

dentistry DenverMaintaining your health during pregnancy includes keeping your teeth healthy. You should maintain regular dentistry appointments and oral care throughout this special time. Our team at Governor’s Park Dental Group can provide guidelines for regular care.

Changes During Pregnancy

The hormonal changes that prepare your body for pregnancy and childbirth can also have an effect on your dental health. These hormones affect the connective tissues throughout your body, including the tissues in your mouth. Your gums might become more sensitive and more prone to infection and gum disease. Your gums are also more likely to bleed during brushing while you are pregnant. This makes regular trips to the dentist important so that any symptoms of gingivitis or periodontal disease are diagnosed and treated promptly.

If you suffer from morning sickness, your teeth could also be more susceptible to decay because of increased acid in the mouth. Using a mouthwash can help reduce acid buildup on your teeth, making it less likely that this acid will lead to severe decay. If you experience any symptoms of gum disease or possible decay, be sure to bring these to your dentist’s attention as soon as possible.

Dental Care During Pregnancy

Be sure to maintain your regular dental care routine during your pregnancy. Brush and floss regularly to keep your teeth clean and ensure the health of your gums. Visit the dentist for standard cleanings and other care. Your dentist will make recommendations as to how often you should have your teeth cleaned and be screened for gum disease and oral cancers.

When you visit the dentist, be sure to let the dentist know that you are pregnant. It is advisable to avoid X-rays during pregnancy. The exposure to radiation from a standard X-ray is relatively small, but because your baby is growing very quickly, the side effects of the exposure can be more severe than they are with an adult. Therefore, dentists avoid X-rays for pregnant women except in emergencies.

If you are pregnant and have questions about proper oral hygiene and dental care during pregnancy, please call our Denver office at 303-832-7789 for more information.


Invisalign: The Clear Alternative to Braces

In years past, the path to straighter teeth was littered with clunky brackets and wires. Patients pursuing a perfect smile had to endure a metal mouth for months and even years before they could see the results.

Modern technology has improved upon this process, though. Now, patients can bring their teeth into the proper position with Invisalign, which straightens the teeth using a series of clear plastic trays.

The basic premise of Invisalign is similar to that of conventional orthodontic treatment. The teeth are moved through forces that are directly applied to them. The dentist gathers information at an initial appointment through a visual examination, along with x-rays and impressions. That data is then used in treatment planning. [pullquote]Beyond its aesthetic advantages, Invisalign offers patients a variety of benefits in terms of oral health.[/pullquote]

The trays are designed to move the teeth independently. Patients switch trays approximately every two weeks, and it’s important to use the trays in the sequence recommended by the dentist and wear them between 20 and 22 hours to achieve the best outcomes.

Invisalign allows patients to enjoy the results of their treatment in real time, which is a major attraction for some patients. You see your teeth get straighter as it happens. There’s no need to envision what your teeth really look like underneath those braces.

Beyond its aesthetic advantages, Invisalign offers patients a variety of benefits in terms of oral health. The trays can be removed for brushing and flossing, eliminating the need to fumble with floss threaders to keep teeth clean underneath the wires and brackets.

Patients also take out the trays at mealtime, which means no dietary restrictions during treatment.

Furthermore, Invisalign requires fewer visits to the dentist for adjustments or wire replacements. Because the patient is doing most of the work by switching out the trays, dental appointments are only necessary every six weeks or so, allowing the dentist to monitor your progress.

Recent advances in Invisalign technology have made this treatment an option for patients with malocclusions (“bad bites”) in addition to crooked teeth, too.

If you want to straighten your teeth without sporting a mouth full of metal, the answer is clear. Ask Dr. Philip E. Lindley if the Invisalign system will be effective in your case. Contact our office serving Highland Park and schedule your consultation today.

Dental Implants: A Great Investment Into Your Health

Missing teeth can cause more than simply aesthetic problems and self-consciousness. If teeth are missing, other teeth can move out of position, leading to bite problems, misalignment, or more serious issues like temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD). can give you new teeth and prevent these problems from developing.

Why Replace Missing Teeth?

Extra space in the mouth due to missing teeth creates a domino effect that can lead to problems with the rest of the teeth. If there is empty space in the mouth, other teeth will automatically shift over time to fill that space. Teeth move out of proper position into these gaps. This movement can cause your bite to be misaligned or cause teeth to become crooked.

Although some might consider this also to be simply an aesthetic issue, misaligned or crooked teeth can lead to long term problems. Among these are abnormal wear and tear and TMD. TMD is when the joint where the lower jaw meets the upper jaw is shifted out of alignment. Its symptoms can include headaches and earaches that are persistent and difficult to diagnose.

Why Dental Implants?

Replacing your missing teeth with dental implants will reduce the possibility of your remaining teeth moving out of position. Dental implants also help keep your jaw healthy by stimulating bone growth. Dental implants are natural looking and are carefully matched to your remaining teeth for a beautiful, perfect smile.

In addition, dental implants offer advantages that full dentures do not. These include:

  • Implants remain stationary and do not shift
  • Implants look and feel just like your natural teeth
  • Implants do not have to be refitted like dentures do

Implants can be used to replace a single tooth, a few teeth, or even an entire arch of teeth in the upper or lower jaw or both. An implant dentist can consult with you to determine if dental implants are a good option for you.

To find out more about dental implants and how they can keep your jaw, mouth and teeth healthy for years to come, please contact the doctor Family Dentistry in Littleton at 303 -730-1222.