I’ve Worn Dentures for Years: Am I still a candidate for dental implants?

Current statistics estimate that at least 35 million adults are partially or completely edentulous. That term refers to the loss of all of the teeth on the upper or lower arches (or both). Another 30 million adults are living with badly damaged teeth or severe periodontal disease that will ultimately result in complete tooth loss. The great majority of these patients will be dependent upon dentures for the replacement of the teeth.

While many of these patients are excited about the option of dental implants as an alternative to conventional dentures, years of denture use can lead to significant bone loss, making the dental implant procedure slightly more complicated. Today, there is a revolutionary alternative that makes permanent tooth replacement possible, even after years of denture-wearing and bone loss. In fact, in a single day, your teeth can be replaced with just four dental implants designed to anchor a custom denture in the upper or lower jaw.

The combination of custom dentures and dental implants has proven to be an effective solution for partially or completely edentulous patients:

•    Replacement teeth that are anchored by dental implants are permanently seated and will not move. This aspect of the technique allows your new teeth to function just like natural teeth.

•    A dental implant-supported smile can restore up to 95% of the normal biting and chewing abilities. Almost immediately, patients regain the ability to eat the foods of their choosing without the challenges associated with conventional dentures.

•    The look and feel of implant-supported dentures closely mimics the characteristics of natural teeth, giving you the confidence to enjoy life with the knowledge that your smile is strong, attractive and functional.

•    Beneath your dentures, dental implants will stimulate the bone, preventing bone loss and keeping it healthy.

Together, dental implants and dentures are the preferred solution when all of the teeth need to be replaced. You can learn more about this procedure by calling the office of Dr. Bernard Jin at 604-939-6111 to schedule a consultation today.

Am I Still a Candidate for Invisalign if I’ve Had Braces?

Traditional braces are sometimes the best option for orthodontic treatment, especially if your teeth are severely out of alignment. However, sometimes after treatment with traditional braces, the teeth can shift, creating a need for additional correction. to manage this type of treatment.  [pullquote]Invisalign is ideal for correcting these minor gaps and slight misalignments that can develop after traditional orthodontic treatment.[/pullquote]

When is Invisalign a Good Choice After Braces?

After you’ve had braces, you need to wear a retainer to keep your teeth from moving out of position. Your orthodontist will give you instructions on when and how often to wear your retainer. If you follow these instructions diligently, you’ll keep your new, properly aligned smile for a long time.

However, some people have a hard time making sure they wear their retainer regularly, especially younger patients who have had braces. Without the retainer, the teeth can shift and move, creating new issues with alignment. Fortunately, these problems are nearly always much less severe than those originally treated with braces.

For these cases, Invisalign is an excellent option. Without the discomfort and unattractiveness of traditional braces, you can still have treatment to move your teeth back into the correct position. Invisalign is ideal for correcting these minor gaps and slight misalignments that can develop after traditional orthodontic treatment. It might also be applicable if you have undergone a full course of traditional orthodontic treatment and still have slight gaps or minor misalignment.

Caring for Your Teeth After Braces

Your orthodontist is the best source for information on caring for your teeth after you’ve had braces. In addition to brushing, flossing, and regular dental appointments, you’ll need to wear your retainer, usually at night, on a regular or semi-regular basis to keep your teeth positioned properly.

Even if you wear your retainer exactly as instructed, there is still a slight chance that your teeth might shift out of alignment. If this occurs, go back to your orthodontist for an evaluation to determine the best course of action.

If you are interested in seeking Invisalign treatment and would like more information, contact the doctor Family Dentistry today to schedule a consultation.

Which Teeth Can Be Replaced By Dental Implants?

Dental implants are the most ideal solution for patients who have suffered tooth loss due to accidents, periodontal disease, or rampant decay. Aside from natural teeth, dental implants provide the healthiest stimulation for the jaw bone and create a natural look and feel to your smile. In light of these considerable advantages, implants can be used to replace virtually any missing tooth in the mouth. In fact, implants can be used to replace all of the teeth in the upper or lower jaw in just one dental visit.

Similar to the procedure for replacing a single missing tooth, your implant dentist can successfully replace several missing teeth with a technique that combines both dental implants and dentures.  Unlike conventional removable dentures, these implant-supported teeth rely on a sturdy foundation that is comprised of four precisely placed dental implants. [pullquote] Implants can be used to replace virtually any missing tooth in the mouth. [/pullquote]

These permanent teeth won’t slip or click when you eat or speak, and you’ll have no worries about your teeth moving or falling out unexpectedly.  This procedure eliminates the need for denture glue, repairs, and relines. That’s because your strong, new teeth will be anchored into the jawbone, rather than supported by the gum tissue. The connection between the bone and the implant post is the primary reason that bone loss will be prevented in the upper and lower jaws.

For decades, we have known that implants could help to preserve the bone structure, prevent jaw deterioration, and prevent the shrinkage of the gum tissue. We knew that these teeth could look and function as though they were natural teeth. Other advantages, such as the fact that implants can’t be destroyed by cavities, makes them the best long-term solution because they are built to last for a lifetime.

By combining those assets with dentures, we can provide you with the best of both worlds: Teeth to Stay – All in 1 Day. Even when you have lost a great deal of bone structure due to years of tooth loss, it’s still possible to bring your smile back to life today. Call Smiles Unlimited Dental Centre schedule a consultation for more information.

Dental Veneers: A Custom Cosmetic Dentistry Solution

Dental veneers are one of the best ways to restore teeth that have been severely discolored or that have surface damage. The procedure is non-invasive and provides a natural-looking restoration that can last for many years, making your smile look like new again.

What are Veneers?

Dental veneers are very thin shells made of porcelain. They are affixed to the fronts of the teeth by a cosmetic dentist. The adhesive used to cement the veneers in place creates a strong bond between the porcelain and the tooth enamel. Veneers are very durable and also produce a sheen that mimics that of natural enamel.

Veneers can be used to correct many minor cosmetic issues including:

•    Severe or intrinsic discoloration
•    Chipped, pitted, or cracked teeth
•    Minor gaps between teeth
•    Minor misalignment

Although these issues are not serious enough to threaten your tooth, they can lead to self-consciousness about your smile. With veneers, you can have a perfect smile that is easy to obtain and relatively easy to take care of.

How Veneers are Placed

Placing veneers is a two-step procedure. It is relatively non-invasive, and can be accomplished in the dentist’s office. First, molds are made of your teeth. These molds will be used to create your custom-made and color-matched veneers. After the molds are complete, your teeth are slightly restructured to make room for the veneers. This typically involves removing a thin layer of enamel from the surface of the teeth. Your dentist will then place a temporary veneer to protect your teeth while your permanent veneers are being prepared.

Creating custom veneers usually takes two or three days. When they are complete, you’ll return to the dentist to have them affixed permanently. Veneers are permanently affixed with an adhesive that bonds strongly with the tooth surface and the porcelain, making the veneers very strong and durable. Be sure to keep them clean and avoid staining agents for the best possible long-term results.

To learn more about the benefits of dental veneers and how they can help your smile, contact the doctor Family Dentistry at our office to schedule an informative consultation.