Which Teeth are Suitable for Whitening?

Teeth whitening is a great way to spruce up your smile without undergoing an extensive procedure or spending a large amount of money. In general, teeth whitening focuses on the front teeth, which are most visible. Results are dramatic and rapid, giving you a brighter smile as soon as you get up from the dentist’s chair.

Whitening Your Teeth

Most people, when correcting discolored teeth, are most concerned about the front teeth. These are the teeth we see when you smile or talk, so these are the teeth you want to look their best.

In-office teeth whitening uses a bleaching agent on the front surfaces of your front teeth. Your cosmetic dentist paints this on your teeth after applying a protective gel to your lips and gums. The whitener remains in place for about twenty minutes, then is removed so the process can be repeated one or two more times for optimum results. [pullquote]In general, teeth whitening focuses on the front teeth, which are most visible. [/pullquote]

Another whitening process uses special trays custom made to fit your mouth. You place the whitening agent in the trays, and then you wear the trays for about fifteen minutes once or twice a day according to your dentist’s instructions. This type of whitening can extend to some of your back teeth, depending upon how far back the tray goes and how your dentist instructs you to use the whitening agent.

Ways to Whiten Back Teeth

Traditional teeth whitening often causes mild sensitivity to treated teeth. If you are concerned about sensitivity in your back teeth, you might want to avoid exposing them to a whitener. However, if you’d like to see your back teeth look a bit whiter, a whitening toothpaste might be a good option. This way you can whiten your teeth easily while you brush. These toothpastes typically use baking soda to gently remove stains. A whitening mouthwash might also help brighten your back teeth if you are concerned about their appearance.

Contact our team of dentists at the doctor Family Dentistry for additional information about brightening the look of your molars if you are self-conscious about their appearance.

Dental Implants for Completely Edentulous

To be completely edentulous, or without any natural teeth, is a condition for which one can never be fully prepared. It’s a condition that never feels “normal”, and it presents an ongoing challenge for a significant portion of our society. Anyone with dentures can tell you that the simple act of eating or speaking can fill you with anxiety as you feel like everyone in the vicinity can see your false teeth more than they can see you.

That’s because traditional dentures can tend to feel like a foreign object in your mouth, day after day. They can feel like you’re wearing shoes that just don’t fit or glasses that were made for someone else. And, no amount of denture glue or adjustments can provide the long-term relief that you desire.

Fortunately, your dental implant dentist can provide you with a solution that immediately allows you to take your mind off of your teeth and begin focusing on the art of living! By incorporating dental implants with the foundation of a traditional denture, your dentist can provide you with a smile that no longer feels as though it belongs to someone else.

With Teeth to Stay- All in 1 Day (also known as All-on-4), your denture can be anchored with 4 dental implants for permanent stability. It’s exciting to know that you’ll be able to enjoy your new smile on the very same day that the implants are placed. Today, immediate dental implant function is a widely accepted treatment method for permanently replacing missing teeth in edentulous patients.

The ability to immediately rehabilitate a patient who has experienced total tooth loss with hybrid prosthesis represents a viable treatment solution as an alternative to more invasive and extensive surgical procedures. In fact, Teeth to Stay- All in 1 Day is a minimally invasive technique that is safe for virtually all edentulous patients, regardless of age or sex, who are determined to be in relatively good health.

To find out if Teeth to Stay- All in 1 Day could be right for you, contact the office of Dr. Bernard Jin today for a personalized consultation.

Dental Implants: Never use Denture Adhesive Again

If your smile is incomplete due to missing teeth, dental implants can restore your confidence. Your implant dentist can give you a new tooth that will look exactly like your original tooth, with carefully matched color and porcelain that looks like natural enamel. Whether you need one tooth or a full arch, you can have a full, beautiful mouthful of teeth without ever having to worry about denture adhesive or teeth that shift in your mouth.

Advantages to Dental Implants

With traditional dentures, you’ll likely use denture adhesive to be sure your teeth remain in place. Well-fitted dentures do not move in your mouth, but as the shape of your jaw changes, the dentures might become less secure. Implants are set directly in your jawbone, so they do not move, and your jaw is much less likely to change shape, since the implants help keep the bone from deteriorating.

Even if you only need to have one or two teeth replaced, you can have implants placed without disturbing or reshaping the adjacent teeth. With traditional bridges, the adjacent teeth must be reshaped to accept crowns that will support the replacement teeth. Implants do not require this. The titanium root is placed directly in the jawbone and supports a prosthetic that replaces your missing tooth or teeth.

How an Implant Procedure Works

Your implant procedure should start with a consultation with implant dentists to ensure you are a good candidate for the procedure. Your dentist will look for some of the following factors during your initial consultation:

  • Your overall health
  • The health of your jawbone
  • The health and condition of your gums
  • The presence of systemic problems
  • Tobacco use

If you are in good overall health, do not suffer from diabetes or immune system disorders, and do not have gum disease, you are probably a good candidate for dental implants. If you are smoker, however, your healing process might be impeded, since smoking affects your circulation. Diabetes and immune system problems can also delay appropriate healing, as can osteoporosis.

Throw away your denture adhesives and contact our team of implant dentists at the doctor Family Dentistry. Call us at our office and make an appointment today.

Enjoy Peace of Mind with Implant-Supported Dentures

For the edentulous patient, there is the struggle to find a tooth replacement that feels comfortable and looks attractive over a long period of time.

Of course, conventional dentures can provide short-term functionality. Unfortunately, due to natural bone loss and the change in the shape of the upper and lower jaw, dentures tend to become more bothersome, less effective, and less satisfying.

For the dentist, the ability to adjust and reline the denture becomes less predictable, as the foundation that supports the denture becomes less stable. Eventually, denture pastes and adhesives become a necessity that only partially resolves the issues of comfort and stability.[pullquote] Implants provide permanent stability, prevent bone loss, and increase your comfort and confidence for long-term satisfaction. [/pullquote]

As it is the case with many edentulous patients, there may be other challenges that can affect the success of the conventional denture. The patient may be challenged by poor health, may have trouble taking the denture in or out, or may be under the care of a health professional or family member. In these instances, removable teeth can be nearly impossible to manage.

When complete tooth loss is experienced, a number of unfortunate consequences are likely to arise:

  • A decline in general health
  • A loss of appetite
  • Tendency to avoid certain food items
  • Difficulty chewing
  • Impaired speech
  • Decreased self-confidence due to undesirable appearance

To resolve these issues and to provide the patient and (and the caregiver) with a renewed peace of mind, your implant dentist may suggest dental implants in conjunction with a denture.

A conventional denture can be modified to be compatible with implants or a brand new denture-implant restoration can be designed exclusively for you. Even a patient who has experienced tremendous bone loss and those patients who have worn dentures for years can still enjoy the advantages of an implant-supported denture.

Implants provide permanent stability, prevent bone loss, and increase your comfort and confidence for long-term satisfaction. The ability to regain or improve the quality of your life is an immeasurable benefit that can last for a lifetime.

It’s never too late to restore your smile and improve your life. Why not start by contacting our implant dentist for a consultation? Call us at Smiles Unlimited Dental Centre today.