Who Is a Candidate for Dental Implants?

implant dentist DenverDental implants supply durable, natural-looking, permanent replacements for missing teeth. Almost anyone with missing teeth can benefit from implants, but certain conditions might make you a better candidate and make your implants more likely to be successful. If you are looking for an implant dentist in Denver, here are some facts about dental implants to consider:

Am I a Good Candidate for Implants?

When you consult with our implant dentistry team, they will ask questions pertaining to your overall health as well as your dental health. Some questions that might determine your candidacy for implants include:

  • Are you suffering from gum disease?
  • Have you worn dentures for a long period of time?
  • Are you in good overall health?
  • Are you diabetic?
  • Are you a smoker?

If you are diabetic or a smoker, this could affect your ability to heal thoroughly and quickly after the implant procedure, as can any condition affecting your overall health. Severe gum disease should be treated before implants can be considered, as infection in the gums will also affect the ability to heal.

Previous use of dentures may or may not affect your candidacy for dental implants. After a long period of wearing dentures, the bone in the jaw tends to break down, since dentures do not stimulate bone regeneration. If enough bone has broken down, a bone graft might be required before you can be successfully treated with implants.

Some types of implants or approaches to the implant procedure work better for some patients than others. If your teeth have been lost recently, or if you see an implant dentist immediately after tooth loss or extraction, implants can often be placed more quickly and easily than if you have been missing teeth for a long period of time.

To find out more about implants, or to determine if you are a good candidate, please contact our office at 303-832-7789 for a consultation.

How pregnancy affects your oral health

Pregnancy has a tremendous effect on the entire body, and the mouth is no exception. Often, during pregnancy, the body and the immune system seem to function at an ultra-sensitive level, reacting unpredictably to normal situations.

The body’s response to the signs and symptoms of pregnancy can have a direct effect on the oral health. Always heed your obstetrician’s advice regarding your general health during pregnancy, and trust our to provide expert advice regarding your prenatal dental health.

Inflamed gums. It is not uncommon for minimal amounts of plaque accumulation to cause the gums to become tender and inflamed. Bleeding during brushing and flossing is also a more common observation during pregnancy. Pregnant women should not be alarmed or feel the need to avoid the sensitive areas. Instead, careful and diligent brushing and flossing can help to curb these signs of gingivitis before it progresses to true periodontal disease.

Dry mouth. Stuffy nasal passages and late-night snoring can contribute to a dry, irritated mouth throughout pregnancy. Dry mouth can lead to irritated gum tissue that bleeds easily, as well as an increased incidence of tooth decay. Without the proper amount of saliva necessary to neutralize plaque acids, the risk for cavities rises significantly. Your dentist may recommend drinking more water throughout the night, choosing alcohol free mouthrinses, or using an over-the-counter saliva substitute.

Tooth decay. Consuming more frequent meals and snacks is the prime contributor to tooth decay in pregnant women. It can be difficult to impossible to brush and floss properly after every snack, and the residual food particles provide fuel for the bacteria that normally reside in the oral cavity.

Acid reflux. Gastrointestinal issues such as gas, acid reflux, and nausea can trigger bad breath and acid erosion of the enamel. Even women with no history of gastrointestinal disorders may notice these symptoms during pregnancy. By recognizing the symptom, observing careful plaque control, and eating mild foods, the effects can be minimized.

The best defense against some of the more unpleasant effects of pregnancy is a close relationship with your medical and dental healthcare professionals. For your health, dental examinations before, during, and after pregnancy are recommended. Call the doctor Family Dentistry at our office and schedule your visit today.

Full Dentures: What are the disadvantages?

Life with dentures can be tough. Simple tasks such as eating and speaking comfortably can be challenging. Finding dentures that can stay in place throughout the course of the day can be nearly impossible without the use of various denture glues and pastes.

The effort required to stabilize a traditional denture is easy to understand. Your soft gum tissue and the underlying bone do not typically provide enough surface area to hold the denture in position. There is also the inevitable possibility of bone resorption, in which case the jaw bone shrinks and the gum tissue loses its tone.  This can result in an even less stable denture that may rub and irritate the gum tissue. At this stage, due to the discomfort, many patients are unable or unwilling to enjoy the foods that they once loved.

Fortunately, patients who are seeking dentures in Surrey have access to more stable and comfortable denture options. Using various combinations of dentures and dental implants, our implant dentist can design a smile that you can live with.

One of the greatest disadvantages of complete tooth loss is gradual bone loss. In the absence of teeth, the jaw bone will eventually go away as well. By placing dental implants into the bone, bone loss can be prevented. The implants can also be used to anchor the denture to the jaw bone. Rather than rest the denture on the tender gum tissue, the implants can withstand the forces of chewing and biting, while holding the denture firmly in place.

The denture/implant combination can be designed to be removable (such as dentures that snap onto an implant) or permanent (such as the All on 4 method), completely dependent upon your personal needs and preferences. No matter the method, adding dental implants to your existing or new denture can provide a dramatic improvement to the quality of your life. You’ll find that implants can instantly add the comfort, confidence, and beauty that you deserve.

Whether you are wearing a traditional denture or considering tooth replacement for the first time, schedule an appointment to explore all of your options. You may learn that dental implants are right for you in more ways than one.

Restore Your Teeth with Tooth-Colored Fillings

Traditional fillings are made of a metal amalgam containing mercury. Some people feel this amalgam is unattractive, while others are concerned that it might be bad for their long-term health and might cause additional damage to their teeth, since it does not expand and contract the way tooth enamel does. As an alternative to metal amalgam, our cosmetic dentist serving Denver offers tooth-colored fillings.

Advantages of Tooth-Colored Fillings

Tooth-colored fillings are made of a composite material that can be color-matched to your natural tooth enamel. Whether you are in need of new dental work or wish to have your metal fillings replaced, composite fillings offer some advantages over traditional amalgam.

  • Tooth-colored fillings do not contain mercury
  • Composite fillings expand and contract with heat and cold
  • Composite fillings bond with the tooth
  • Tooth-colored fillings do not create dark areas in your smile
  • Composite fillings do not conduct heat and cold, reducing sensitivity

Because of these advantages, many people are choosing tooth-colored fillings for routine repair of decay. Others choose tooth-colored materials for restoration of broken or misshapen teeth.

Restorations—Inlays and Onlays

Inlays and onlays are used in cosmetic dentistry to correct problems with the shape of the teeth. Your teeth might have been broken, they might be naturally asymmetrical, or you might have a tooth that is noticeably smaller or misshapen in comparison to the rest of your teeth. In these cases, inlays and onlays can be used to reshape the tooth, giving it a natural appearance or making it look more symmetrical with the rest of your teeth.

Composite, tooth-colored materials are used for this kind of restoration so that your repaired teeth will match the rest of your smile. If you have issues such as this with your teeth, contact our cosmetic dentistry team to discuss how tooth-colored restorations can help you regain confidence in your smile.

Is teeth whitening safe?

The term “cosmetic dentistry” refers to a broad range of dental procedures designed to improve the appearance of your smile. Cosmetic procedures can range from a simple touch-up to a full-blown smile makeover, completely dependent on the needs and desires of the patient.

Patients seeking a minimally invasive, safe and effective cosmetic dental option may be interested in teeth whitening in Littleton. Since teeth whitening does not require the removal of any tooth structure and does not change the composition of the enamel in any way, the procedure is often viewed as one of the most conservative cosmetic procedures.

Natural tooth structure may become stained or discolored as a result of:

  • dark foods or drinks such as coffee, tea, red wines, and whole grains
  • lifestyle habits such as smoking or medications
  • The natural aging process

In addition to the external factors that can cause staining, many patients are interested in lightening the natural shade of their own enamel. In virtually all of these circumstances, .

By introducing oxygen into the enamel, teeth whitening solutions can bleach away impurities without altering the structure of the enamel. Stains and discolorations are eliminated, and patients are left with a brighter, whiter smile.

When applied properly, and under the instruction of an experienced cosmetic dentist, teeth whitening is one of the safest cosmetic choices available. Even with professional application, patients may experience a mild level of temporary tooth sensitivity following whitening. This type of response is normal and completely reversible, not the result of damage to the enamel.

Patients should note that no method of teeth whitening is permanent. As you return to your daily life style, a certain level of shade rebound is common. Depending on the shade of white that you wish to maintain, a periodic whitening touch-up is safe and appropriate.

A consultation with our cosmetic dentists is recommended in order to find out if teeth whitening is right for you. Schedule your appointment today.

Teeth to-Stay – All in 1 Day: Improve your quality of life

dental implants BurnabyJust because you may be missing all of the upper or lower teeth, you are not destined for a life without comfortable teeth. There is no reason to settle for ill-fitting dentures, bone loss, sore spots, or drugstore denture glue. If the idea of dropping your teeth into a glass of water each night is unacceptable, you may be interested in learning more about dental implants in Burnaby.

In a cutting edge, affordable, same-day procedure, you can have a beautifully permanent smile designed to replace your traditional denture. By using a minimal number of dental implants, your denture can be securely anchored to the jaw bone in a single appointment. Your new teeth will be fully functional immediately after the procedure is complete, due to the incredibly short recovery and healing period.

Through the use of state of the art diagnostic equipment and surgical techniques, your implants will be placed with incredible accuracy. By utilizing advanced CT scan technology (Computerized Tomography), your implant dentist can visualize every detail of your jawbone in order to determine the appropriate location for the dental implants. This form of digital imaging is also used to formulate the custom template that will guide your implants into place.

Once the implants are in place, your new denture teeth will be permanently attached. The teeth will not need to be removed for eating, drinking, or cleaning. Due to the implant’s ability to stop bone resorption, the jaw bone will not shrink or change, eliminating the risk of a slipping denture. Patients who have chosen to restore their missing teeth with the All in 1 Day technique can appreciate a life with stable, durable teeth. They can enjoy easy social interaction with no worries about embarrassing shifting denture teeth.

The All in 1 Day technique is the least invasive and most stable method of complete tooth replacement available. Patients can appreciate the high level of comfort and the speedy recovery that the technique provides. To find out how you can have Teeth to Stay, schedule your visit with Dr. Bernard Jin today.

Feeling Self-Conscious About Your Smile?

Denver cosmetic dentistry A beautiful smile is an important part of looking your best. If your teeth are discolored, chipped, misaligned, or unattractively shaped, you might feel self-conscious about the way you look. Fortunately, cosmetic dentistry can help by providing easy correction of all these problems. At our Denver cosmetic dentistry office, we can supply teeth whitening, veneers, implants, tooth colored fillings and other techniques to give you the perfect smile.

Common Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures

Some cosmetic dentistry procedures are more popular than others, either because they are easier, less expensive, or more in demand than others. Some of the most common procedures are:

Teeth whitening. In a single visit, your teeth can be transformed from dingy brown or yellow to bright, sparkling white. Teeth whitening is one of the easiest and quickest ways to improve your smile.

Veneers. Veneers are thin shells of porcelain that are bonded to the surfaces of your teeth. Veneers can correct seriously discolored, chipped, pitted, cracked, or slightly misaligned teeth in two short visits to the cosmetic dentist. They can also be used to correct small gaps between the teeth.

Dental implants. Implants are a more complex procedure, but provide a permanent solution to missing teeth. Artificial, titanium roots are placed directly in the jawbone, and are used to support natural-looking prosthetic teeth. Implants remain stationary in the mouth and are not removed for cleaning.

Deciding What Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures Are Best For You

The easiest way to determine the best cosmetic dentistry procedures for you is to sit down for a consultation with one of our experienced cosmetic dentists. Based on your goals for your smile, they will make recommendations to give you the results you desire. This might involve a single procedure or a combination of procedures. Combining procedures is sometimes referred to as a smile makeover.

Whatever your desire is for your perfect smile, our cosmetic dentistry experts can help you decide how to achieve it. Please call our office at 303-832-7789 to schedule a consultation and find out how you can end any self-consciousness about your smile.

Dental care for infants and toddlers

Even before the very first tooth has erupted, it is important to think about providing proper dental care for infants and toddlers. Many parents and caregivers are unsure as to how the care should be provided, or even what type of care is necessary. Just as you can turn to your pediatrician for guidance and advice about your child’s medical needs, you can also trust your to keep you informed regarding your child’s dental health.

In the very earliest stages of infancy, gently wiping the gums with a soft cloth is an important part of daily dental hygiene. It is not uncommon for an infant to be born with a small tooth, called a neonatal tooth. These teeth can also be gently wiped clean each day.

As infants begin to grow, keep a watchful eye on thumb-sucking. Even before the teeth have fully erupted, thumb-sucking can a negative effect on the shape and size of the palate. At this early age, your dentist can evaluate the size and shape of your child’s palate, upper jaw, and lower jaw. This type of early examination is useful for identifying developmental abnormalities or orthodontic concerns.

At home, as soon as the baby teeth are in the mouth, controlling plaque and preventing cavities becomes a high priority. A soft-bristled child’s tooth brush and training toothpaste are an effective method of introducing proper brushing after meals and snacks. To establish a habit of good oral hygiene, allow your child to participate in this daily routine, as well as observe other family members perform normal brushing and flossing.

Babies and toddlers should never be permitted to sleep with bottles containing any beverages other than water. Even milk, baby formula, and fruit juices contain natural sugars that can lead to decay. In addition to drinks that can cause tooth decay, many snack foods can cause cavities. Rather than choosing snacks high in sugars and carbohydrates, offer babies and toddlers a wide variety of fruits and vegetables whenever possible.

Even with diligent home care and healthy diets, unexpected dental conditions can arise. Introduce your child to the dental office as early as possible, and contact the doctor Family Dentistry at our office with questions and concerns as soon as possible.