Harmful Dental Habits to Avoid

dental office DenverMost patients know which dental habits to adopt in order to maintain good dental hygiene: brushing and flossing daily, avoiding sticky, sweet foods, and regularly visiting your dental office. But what dental habits should you be avoiding?

Avoid crunching ice with your teeth. The cold and the hardness of the ice can cause microscopic cracks in tooth enamel. It can even lead to visible tooth fractures. You should also avoid crunching popcorn kernels, fruit pits, or any other hard item.

Don’t use your teeth as tools. Using your teeth to rip open packages, remove tags, or open bottles can lead to chipping a tooth. Your teeth might even fracture.

Pay attention to how much you grind your teeth or clench your jaw throughout the day. If your partner tells you that you grind your teeth at night, visit your dentist to get fitted with a night guard. A night guard will reposition your bite to relieve tension on the jaw, and will protect your teeth.

Neglectful dental home care is another bad habit to avoid. Don’t forget to brush at least twice a day and to floss daily. Don’t use hard bristled toothbrushes, and don’t use the same toothbrush for more than four months. It’s also important not to skip regular check-ups and cleanings with your dentist.

When you do go in for a cleaning (at least twice a year), ask about the proper way to brush your teeth and to floss. Improper brushing can lead to receding gums or worn tooth enamel. Brush for at least two to three minutes each session, using the methods you are shown.

Avoid eating staining foods, or sweet, sticky foods. Red wine and coffee can lead to tooth yellowing, while foods like candy or soda can lead to tooth decay. Snack on healthy foods like carrots or an apple, and use a straw if you are going to drink soda.

Finally, avoid over-bleaching or over-whitening your teeth, which can weaken the enamel.

For more tips and to schedule your visit in Denver, contact our office at 303-832-7789.


Will Dental Implants Last a Lifetime?

Dental implants have been studied for many years. The material that is used for the implant itself should be made from titanium, which is an extremely strong metal that is corrosion-resistant. These two factors make it the ideal choice for dental implants.

Dental implants are small devices that resemble a screw. A single implant is surgically placed in the gum tissue where a permanent tooth has been lost. The implant is covered with a temporary restoration that will protect it during the healing process.

During the healing process, which is generally four to six months, the implant is fusing to the jawbone. This will allow the implant to function much like the root of your natural tooth, giving your final restoration stability. [pullquote]Preventing infection in the implant area requires daily flossing and brushing at least twice per day as infection is a leading cause of implant failure.[/pullquote]

A successful dental implant procedure will rely on several factors. Overall good health, as well as healthy gums, is important. Preventing infection in the implant area requires daily flossing and brushing at least twice per day as infection is a leading cause of implant failure. Smoking and tobacco use are strongly discouraged as well.

After the implant has healed and is sufficiently fused to the jaw bone, a final restoration is placed over the implant. This restoration is made to match the shape and shade of the surrounding teeth, making your new implant virtually undetectable. Your implant will allow you to resume a normal diet that might have been altered due to tooth loss.

Your ability to speak naturally will be restored as well, but most importantly your self-confidence will soar once you are able to smile again without worrying about hiding your tooth loss.

The implant and covering are now a permanent part of your dental anatomy. It will be important to make sure to see your dental provider for a professional cleaning and exam twice per year. Your dentist can also monitor your implant to assure that it is functioning properly and the surrounding gum tissue is healthy.

Dental implant technology has improved as research continues, but since implant technology is basically in its dental infancy, it is idealistic to say that dental implants are assured to last a lifetime. There are many factors that can contribute to the success of your dental implant, but following our implant dentist’s advice will lead to the best possible outcome for you and your dental implant. Call the office of Dr. Bernard Jin, serving Surrey and the surrounding areas, at 604-939-6111 to schedule a consultation.

Will My Whitened Teeth Retain Their New Color?

Teeth whitening is among the most popular cosmetic dentistry treatments. It is simple, relatively inexpensive, and provides dramatic results. In a single office visit, your teeth can be transformed from dingy yellow or light brown to brilliant white. However, you must be sure to care for your teeth properly to keep them white over the long term.

Making Sure Your Teeth Stay White

The best way to prevent discoloration is also the best way to keep your newly whitened teeth from once again becoming stained and unattractive. In addition to regular brushing and flossing and visits to the dentist, you can keep your teeth white by avoiding substances that can cause staining. These include:

  • Coffee and tea
  • Nicotine
  • Dark colored foods or juices
  • Red wine

Although teeth whitening can give your teeth a beautiful new look, these staining agents can reverse the treatment’s effects. Keep your teeth clean, healthy, and away from staining agents, and your whitened teeth can remain white for a long time.

What to Do If Your Teeth Become Discolored Again

If you notice discoloration creeping back on the surface of your teeth, you can return to your dentist for a touch up whitening session. Often, even when teeth do become discolored again, it is easier to touch them up than it was to whiten them initially. Your session will probably be shorter than it was the first time, and afterwards your teeth will be bright and white again. You might also be able to use an at-home touch up whitening kit that your dentist provides. With an at-home kit, you can apply whitening gel with special trays and wear them at your convenience, usually twice a day for about fifteen minutes at a time.

If you are concerned about keeping your teeth white in the long term, call our Littleton CO office for a consultation to find out how teeth whitening can help you maintain a beautiful smile.

What Causes Dulling and Discoloration of Teeth?

A bright, white smile is the goal of most patients who visit a cosmetic dentist. There are several options for restoring the brightness of your smile, but there are also steps you can take at home to avoid dullness and discoloration of your teeth.

Avoid certain beverages that can stain your teeth, leading to yellowing. Coffee, black tea, soda and red wine are the most common offenders. If you are going to drink these items, use a straw that is positioned in the back of the mouth (as opposed to up against your teeth). [pullquote]If your teeth have already become stained or yellowed due to these or other causes, your cosmetic dentist will recommend the best treatment for you.[/pullquote]

Developing poor dental hygiene habits can also cause the teeth to change color. If you do not brush or floss frequently, plaque can build up on the surface of the teeth. Staining foods and beverages also remain on the teeth longer, which may cause deeper stains.

Smoking or using other tobacco products are also common causes of teeth yellowing. Some diseases and their treatments can cause the teeth to become dull or discolored. For example, some patients undergoing radiation on the head or neck area will find that their teeth are yellowing.

Some medications can cause the teeth to look stained. Some antihistamines, antibiotics (doxycycline and tetracycline, specifically), antipsychotics, and certain mouth rinses are the most common offenders. Blood pressure medications could also be the culprit.

If your teeth have already become stained or yellowed due to these or other causes, your cosmetic dentist will recommend the best treatment for you. Teeth whitening is a common solution to dull, discolored teeth. We offer both at-home systems and in-office whitening – our dentist will help you select which is more appropriate for your smile.

Another treatment option that may be appropriate for you is veneers. Veneers are shields (usually of porcelain) that are attached to the front of the stained tooth. The porcelain is color-matched to surrounding teeth, so they appear natural. This option is best for patients for whom teeth whitening will not be effective.

To learn more and to schedule your consultation, contact Governor’s Park Dental Group serving Denver today.


Why Would I Need a Dental Crown?

Dental crowns are a commonly used treatment for various dental issues. In the past, they were used both for restorations and for cosmetic reasons. Now, they are less commonly used for cosmetic reasons, but are still important for restoration work. [pullquote]Dental crowns allow the tooth to remain in place and functional even when it is damaged.[/pullquote]

Reasons For a Dental Crown

A dental crown completely covers an existing tooth. The tooth must be prepared before the crown is placed—a process that removes part of the substance of the tooth to provide enough room for the crown to sit over the tooth without disrupting alignment or interfering with adjacent teeth. Crowns are often used in situations where:

  • A tooth is severely damaged
  • A tooth is cracked
  • A tooth has undergone a root canal

Dental crowns allow the tooth to remain in place and functional even when it is damaged. Using a dental crown often helps you keep your tooth in cases when it might otherwise have to be removed. This is especially true in cases when a crown is used in conjunction with a root canal.

Types of Dental Crowns

There are various . Each kind provides different advantages and disadvantages. Your dentist can help you decide which is best for your individual needs.

The three main types of crowns are:

  • Metal crowns
  • Porcelain crowns
  • Porcelain bonded metal crowns

In the past, metal crowns, generally made of gold, were the only option available. Now, porcelain crowns provide a more natural-looking substitute, since porcelain can be color matched to the shade of your other teeth. However, porcelain does not hold up as well to biting and chewing pressures. If your crown is to be placed on a molar, a metal crown might be better and longer lasting.

Another option is metal crowns that are covered with porcelain. These provide the natural look of a porcelain crown combined with the strength of a metal crown. To find out what type of crown is best for you, please contact the doctor Family Dentistry, serving Highlands Ranch and the surrounding areas, at our office for a consultation.

Protect your smile with custom-fitted mouthguards

dentist DenverAthletes can do a lot of damage to their smiles. A misplaced throw or a jarring collision can easily dislodge a tooth or even break a jaw, requiring extensive treatment by a dentist or specialist.

Fortunately, people who participate in sports can protect their smiles by wearing a mouthguard. Whether you’re aiming for a Division I scholarship or just lacing up your cleats for a rec league game, you should be wearing a mouthguard.

Those devices absorb and deflect the forces that the mouth may encounter during a game. In addition to protecting the smile, some research suggests that wearing a mouthguard may even prevent some of the negative effects associated with concussions.

The best mouthguards are those that are carefully crafted for you by a dentist. Boil-and-bite models may be available at your local sporting goods store, but a custom-designed version will fit better and outperform the alternatives.

In fitting a patient for a mouthguard, the dentist will take impressions of the mouth. Those impressions are then used to design and manufacture the mouthguard. This process ensures that the mouthguard is tailored to the unique structure of the patient’s mouth.

To protect their mouths when at play, many patients turn to a brand that has demonstrated value in other aspects of sports. Under Armour Performance Mouthwear™ offers the same high quality in mouthguards that patients expect from the manufacturer’s athletic apparel and equipment.

Some patients may be reluctant to wear a mouthguard because they feel that it compromises their ability to play the game. That’s not the case at all. In preventing injuries, mouthguards actually ensure that you’ll be able to continue to bring your best effort.

Additionally, a properly fitted mouthguard may prevent teeth clenching, which can release a stress-related hormone called cortisol that can have a negative effect on your athletic performance.

Prevent oral and facial injuries by wearing a mouthguard. At your next visit, ask about your options for a custom-designed device. Call our Denver office at 303-832-7789 for more information.


Will a Root Canal Save My Tooth?

The prospect of a root canal is upsetting to many people. Although it is an important procedure in dentistry, it has gained a bad reputation. In truth, that might otherwise have to be removed.

When Is a Root Canal Necessary?

Root canals are most commonly used to restore teeth that have suffered severe injury, extensive decay or pervasive infection. Often these teeth cause extreme discomfort, which is also eliminated by the root canal procedure.

Some issues that can lead to root canal therapy include:

  • A tooth with a crown that has become inflamed or infected
  • Decay severe enough that most of the tooth must be removed
  • Severely cracked or broken teeth that cannot be restored with a crown alone

The root canal removes the infected tissue as well as the nerve serving the tooth. In this way, the infected and damaged areas are completely cleared, and the tooth no longer experiences sensation. Using a crown to maintain the original shape of the tooth, your dentist can also preserve your bite and the relationship between the tooth being treated and teeth adjacent to it.

What Can I Expect From the Procedure?

Although root canals have a bad reputation, in many ways they are not very different from a crown, a filling, or other restoration procedures. The dentist uses local anesthetic and might use nitrous oxide (laughing gas) or another form of sedation if you prefer. With special tools, the tooth pulp and nerve are removed. The interior of the tooth is thoroughly disinfected, and the removed tissue is replaced with a special gel. After the root canal procedure is completed, the tooth is ofteb fitted with a temporary crown to protect it. Within a few days, your dentist will be able to replace the temporary crown with a custom made permanent crown.

If you have any questions or concerns about the root canal procedure, or believe you might need to have a root canal, please contact the Littleton office of the doctor Family Dentistry to make an appointment.