What are Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns are specially made caps that are placed over the teeth for restorations or for cosmetic reasons. They are made of different materials depending upon the needs of the specific patient, and can be used on both the front and back teeth. For those seeking restorative or cosmetic dentistry in Denver, our offices can supply dental crowns in addition to helping you maintain your overall dental health.

Common Uses for Crowns

Crowns were once commonly used to correct numerous kinds of cosmetic issues. In recent years, however, veneers are used more often, as this is a less invasive option. Now, crowns are more commonly used for teeth that have been cracked or broken. Also, a crown is placed as the last step in a root canal procedure. The crown serves to keep the tooth strong and protect it after the root canal is performed.

Crowns are also used to anchor bridges, which used to replace missing teeth. The crown is placed over the tooth adjacent to where the replacement tooth is positioned, and holds the replacement tooth in place.

How Crowns are Placed

Before a crown is put into place, the tooth beneath must be reshaped to accommodate it. The tooth is ground down to a peg-like shape. Once the tooth has been shaped, the crown will then in turn be made from this cast. A temporary crown protects the tooth from injury while the permanent, custom-made crown is fabricated, usually in a special dentistry lab.

When the permanent crown arrives, the dentist removes the temporary crown and sets the permanent crown in place. The dentist carefully adjusts the crown until the patient’s bite is perfect, to prevent uneven wear, sensitivity, and discomfort.

Dental crowns can be made of metal, porcelain, or metal covered with porcelain. Back teeth are usually fitted with metal crowns or porcelain-covered metal because of the stress they must endure under normal conditions. Front teeth are often treated with natural-colored porcelain crowns for aesthetic reasons.

To learn more about dental crowns, please call Governor’s Park Dental Group at 303-832-7789 to schedule your consultation.

Reasons to replace a missing tooth

When a patient loses a tooth or must have one removed due to disease or decay, the issue of tooth replacement becomes a major concern. Some patients may feel that getting a fill-in for the missing tooth is unnecessary, while others may be ambivalent about the dental procedures involved.

However, there are a number of important reasons—both functional and aesthetic—why patients should replace a missing tooth, and do so as quickly as possible after it is extracted.

Patients are most interested in replacing a missing tooth when it held a prominent spot in the smile. Nobody wants to walk around with a gaping hole in their grin! So, yes, the smile’s appearance is one motivating factor to replace a tooth, in addition to being a compelling reason to choose dental implants in Surrey. Unlike many other tooth replacement alternatives, dental implants are virtually indistinguishable from the surrounding natural teeth.

But what if the gap in your smile is in a less visible location, such as the rear of the jaw? It’s unlikely to have much of an effect, if any, on the attractiveness of your smile. Nonetheless, you should still replace that tooth and consider dental implants to do so. In fact, it’s just as important to replace a tooth that is hidden when you smile.

When a tooth is lost, so is the root structure that helped to hold the jaw bone in place. As a result, that jaw bone erodes over time. This process takes place more quickly in the back of the mouth, where the jaw bone is thinner. As the jaw bone recedes, neighboring teeth may be compromised. Implants, which fuse with the remaining bone, can replicate the tooth’s root, stabilizing the jaw.

If your fear or anxiety surrounding the placement of dental implants is factoring into a reluctance to replace a tooth, rest assured that the process is a simple, straightforward one that is typically associated with minimal discomfort. Implants are usually placed in an outpatient setting and often require only a local anesthetic.

Implants are the best option for replacing a missing tooth, so consult with Dr. Bernard Jin, an implant dentist serving Surrey, to determine whether your case is appropriate for this treatment approach.

Am I a Candidate for dental implants?

In the past, people both young and old were at the mercy of their family dentist and good genes to maintain excellent oral health.  Times have changed, and technology has brought about the ability to take something that is broken and simulate the real thing by a procedure called dental implants.

Any person from young adult to elder statesman can be fitted with dental implants.  When choosing , your general dental and medical health is evaluated to be sure you qualify.  Your implant dentist is a skilled practitioner, who can look in the mouth and envision teeth in the proper alignment, size and space much like their original form.

In fact, dental implants (unlike crowns and other dental appliances), are surgically placed in your gum tissue so after the healing process is completed (typically about six months) the implant will be anchored much like the root of a natural tooth.  The final restoration is made to match the shape and shade of the surrounding teeth.  The result is so natural, no one will know the difference between an implant tooth or your own natural teeth.

The process of determining whether or not an implant is best for you starts with an honest conversation with your implant dentist.  Since an implant becomes a permanent fixture in your mouth, and is not removable once completed, serious consideration should be given to the reason why this procedure is being contemplated.

Is your concern primarily aesthetics?  Do you have difficulty eating or speaking?  Would an implant improve your quality of life?  If the answer to any or all of these questions is affirmative, the next step is to speak with your dentist to see if you are a candidate for dental implants.

Whether or not you have one, two or several missing teeth, your answer could be as easy as a consultation with your implant dental provider.   Although this process may not be for everyone, dental implants can give back to you a way of life that allows you to eat, laugh, talk and live with the confidence and ease you might have thought was lost forever.

For more information and to schedule a consultation, please contact the doctor Family Dentistry at 303 -730-1222.

Are Dental Implants the Right Choice for Me?

dental implants DenverIf you have missing teeth, whether due to injury, decay, or long-term wear and tear, you might have heard about dental implants as an option for replacement. Dental implants are becoming more common, and many people opt for this choice as a more convenient, natural looking and comfortable form of tooth replacement. If you are looking for information on dental implants in Denver, our implant dentist can help you determine if implants are a good choice for you.

When you consult with an implant dentist, he or she will consider several factors before recommending dental implants. These factors can determine if implants will be successful for you. If the dentist feels that you are not a good candidate for traditional implants, he might suggest another option for teeth replacement.

Some of the most important factors that can influence the success of the implant procedure include:

  • Your overall health
  • How long your teeth have been missing
  • The strength and overall mass of the bone in your jaws
  • The presence of gum disease

Because implants require a surgical procedure, your overall health can determine the likelihood of the procedure being a success. If you are a smoker, or if you suffer from other conditions such as diabetes, your body’s ability to heal can be affected.

The overall strength and condition of your jawbone is another very important factor. The root portion of a dental implant requires sufficient bone mass to support it. If your teeth have been missing for a number of years, this bone mass might have decreased enough that an implant is not likely to anchor well without an additional bone graft procedure.

In addition, if you are currently suffering from severe gum disease, your implant dentist might recommend that you treat this before undergoing the implant procedure to prevent bacteria and infection from spreading throughout your body or otherwise making your recovery less likely to be successful after your implants are placed.

Alternatives to Dentures

dental implants SurreyFor many patients missing an entire arch of teeth in Surrey, dentures are an unappealing tooth replacement option. Dentures have a bad reputation for being uncomfortable, unsightly and inconvenient devices.

Fortunately, dentures are not the only technique for replacing an entire arch of missing teeth. Recent advances in dental technology have led to greatly improved options in artificial teeth.

Dental implants offer the best tooth replacement method. The implant, a small metal structure that looks like a screw, can anchor a single fabricated tooth, while four to six implants can hold an entire arch of artificial teeth in place.

Several features of implants give them advantages over dentures. Of all of the tooth replacement options, implants do the best job of replicating the natural tooth’s structure and function. Specifically, only implants mimic the tooth’s root, preventing the jaw bone resorption that accompanies dentures and leads to the appearance of a “sunken” face. Because the jaw bone retains its shape, the artificial tooth arch will not lose its fit over time.

Of course, implants are more stable than denture adhesive, so implant-anchored replacement teeth are far less likely than dentures to slip out of place at a most inopportune moment. As a bonus, implants eliminate the need to rely on adhesives that leave a bad taste in your mouth.

Implant patients also find their devices to be more comfortable than denture wearers do. In fact, many implant patients can barely detect a difference between the implants and their natural teeth.

Dental implants are typically placed during an appointment at the dentist’s office. As you heal from the surgery, you may notice a slight change in the fit of your implant-supported denture, which can be adjusted by your implant dentist for a better fit.

If the idea of dentures leaves you wanting more from your teeth replacement, consider dental implants as an alternative. Implant-supported dentures in Surrey can be either permanent or removable, depending on the patient’s preference. Implants offer many advantages over dentures, and the appliances are a durable solution that will last for decades.

What is a Smile Makeover?

A smile makeover is a combination of cosmetic dentistry procedures designed to make your smile the best it can be.

Common Smile Makeover Procedures

Smile makeovers are planned to provide results you as an individual wish to achieve. There are several popular procedures for those interested in enhancing and rejuvenating their smiles. Among these are:

  • Inlays and onlays
  • Teeth whitening
  • Porcelain veneers

These procedures are often used together because, when combined, they can correct many problems or concerns you might have with your smile, including cracked, chipped, or misshapen teeth, discolored teeth, and even slight misalignment and minor gaps.

Deciding on the Right Smile Makeover for You

Getting a smile makeover starts with sitting down with your cosmetic dentist and discussing your goals. It is important to be both honest and realistic during this consultation. Based on how you feel about your smile, the dentist will recommend a set of procedures that will provide the kind of correction you want for your teeth. If a simple smile makeover will not give you the results you desire, the dentist should be honest with you about this, and make alternate recommendations. This most commonly happens when problems with your teeth are more than just cosmetic. For instance, if your teeth are severely misaligned, you might need to see an orthodontist for the best results.

Once you and your dentist have decided on the right smile makeover for your teeth, you will work together to schedule the procedures. Often, more than one procedure can be performed in the same visit. And, when your smile makeover is complete, you will have a beautiful smile that you can be proud of.

If you are interested in learning more about cosmetic dentistry in Denver, please give us a call at 303-832-7789. We’ll evaluate your goals and match them to just the right combination of procedures to give you a perfect smile.