Reasons to replace a missing tooth

When a patient loses a tooth or must have one removed due to disease or decay, the issue of tooth replacement becomes a major concern. Some patients may feel that getting a fill-in for the missing tooth is unnecessary, while others may be ambivalent about the dental procedures involved.

However, there are a number of important reasons—both functional and aesthetic—why patients should replace a missing tooth, and do so as quickly as possible after it is extracted.

Patients are most interested in replacing a missing tooth when it held a prominent spot in the smile. Nobody wants to walk around with a gaping hole in their grin! So, yes, the smile’s appearance is one motivating factor to replace a tooth, in addition to being a compelling reason to choose dental implants in Surrey. Unlike many other tooth replacement alternatives, dental implants are virtually indistinguishable from the surrounding natural teeth.

But what if the gap in your smile is in a less visible location, such as the rear of the jaw? It’s unlikely to have much of an effect, if any, on the attractiveness of your smile. Nonetheless, you should still replace that tooth and consider dental implants to do so. In fact, it’s just as important to replace a tooth that is hidden when you smile.

When a tooth is lost, so is the root structure that helped to hold the jaw bone in place. As a result, that jaw bone erodes over time. This process takes place more quickly in the back of the mouth, where the jaw bone is thinner. As the jaw bone recedes, neighboring teeth may be compromised. Implants, which fuse with the remaining bone, can replicate the tooth’s root, stabilizing the jaw.

If your fear or anxiety surrounding the placement of dental implants is factoring into a reluctance to replace a tooth, rest assured that the process is a simple, straightforward one that is typically associated with minimal discomfort. Implants are usually placed in an outpatient setting and often require only a local anesthetic.

Implants are the best option for replacing a missing tooth, so consult with Dr. Bernard Jin, an implant dentist serving Surrey, to determine whether your case is appropriate for this treatment approach.