How Careful Must I Be With My New Veneers?

Porcelain veneers are a great way to remake your smile without expensive orthodontics or crowns that require your teeth to be altered. Though lightweight and easy to apply, veneers can give you the beautiful smile you’ve always wanted, transforming chipped, cracked, pitted, discolored, and even slightly misaligned teeth.

If you are considering veneers in Denver, you might wonder how much care your veneers might require.

What Are Veneers?

To understand the kind of care veneers require, it is helpful to understand what they are and how they work. Veneers are made of porcelain—a delicate material that mimics the light reflection properties of natural tooth enamel. Although veneers are very thin, once they are bonded to the surface of your teeth, they become strong and durable. The porcelain is color matched to your natural teeth, and because they are semi-translucent, teeth treated with veneers are virtually indistinguishable from those that are not treated.

The strong bond of the veneer to the tooth means that you can perform most everyday activities without worrying about damaging the veneers. However, there are some precautions that will help your veneers last for many years.

Taking Care of Veneers

Veneers, like your natural teeth, must be brushed daily, and don’t forget to floss teeth that have been treated with veneers. Regular visits to the dentist are also important, both to keep your teeth healthy and to spot any possible problems with the veneers before they become serious.

When you go to the dentist, though, be sure to tell your hygienist that you have veneers. Some tools and cleaning compounds can be abrasive to veneers. Also, be sure to follow any recommendations your cosmetic dentist makes in regards to care. Typically, you should avoid biting hard substances, such as ice, and avoid staining agents that could turn your bright veneers into dingy surfaces just as they would affect your natural teeth.

For information about veneers, what they can do for you, and how to care for them, please contact our office for an appointment or a consultation.

Root Canal: Purpose and Procedure

The term “root canal” is a noun used to define the pulp filled channel in the root of a tooth.  The procedure of “root canal” is defined as a treatment in which diseased tissue from this part of the tooth is removed and the cavity is then filled with an inert material.  A root canal in Littleton can bring you much needed relief if you are suffering from discomfort or pain.

Why would someone need a root canal?  If a tooth is damaged due to excess decay or infection, the root canal is a process that could repair a tooth in an effort to save the tooth.  During a root canal, the nerve and pulp of the tooth is removed.  Once removed, the dentist will clean out the cavity of the tooth, and the tooth is then sealed.

The primary purpose of the nerve itself is to provide the sensation of heat or cold.  Since the nerve of the tooth is not needed once the tooth has emerged through gum tissue, having it removed will not affect the tooth’s day to day function.  And if the nerve and pulp become infected due to damage, the ensuing bacteria can result in an abscessed tooth.

If the dentist does not perform a root canal when needed, an abscess or infection at the root of the tooth can result in facial swelling, bone loss near the tip of the root, and eventual loss of one or more teeth.

What causes damage to a tooth’s nerve and pulp?  Irritation, inflammation or infection as a result of decay, repeated dental procedures to a tooth, a crack or chip in a tooth or a trauma to the face can lead to needing a root canal.

There are no definitive or specific symptoms that identify the need for a , but a severe toothache, prolonged sensitivity to hot or cold, tooth discoloration, swelling or gum tenderness, or persistent or recurring pimples on the gums are possible indicators that you might need a root canal.

Any or all of these conditions should encourage you to visit your dentist for needed treatment and relief, and to try to save your natural teeth for as long as you can.

What is the success rate of dental implants?

Dental implants are becoming an increasingly popular tooth replacement method because they offer patients the closest approximation of natural teeth both structurally and aesthetically. Dental implants also are quite reliable. According to the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, the procedure has an overall success rate of 95 percent.

Several factors influence the success of dental implants. Most importantly, dental implants must have sufficient bone available in the jaw to support them. However, when a tooth is lost, the jaw bone begins to recede because the tooth’s root is no longer present to serve as an anchor. This process proceeds more quickly toward the rear of the mouth, leading to greater bone loss.

Before placing your dental implants, Dr. Bernard Jin, your Vancouver dental implant dentist, will complete a thorough evaluation of your mouth and jaw to determine if you are an appropriate candidate for implants. Even if you have experienced substantial bone loss, you may still qualify for dental implants, as implant dentists can use a variety of techniques, such as sinus augmentation, to provide sufficient bone material for implant placement.

Certain oral diseases may also compromise the bone, increasing the risk of implant failure. Therefore, the implant dentist must make sure that you do not have any untreated gum disease or advanced tooth decay prior to placing the implants.

The patient plays an important role in the success of dental implants, as well. Maintaining good oral hygiene habits is essential, as the failure to keep the mouth clear of bacteria and plaque can lead to gum disease and decay. Additionally, you will need to keep all of your scheduled follow-up appointments with the implant dentist. These appointments offer the dentist an opportunity to identify any dental implant problems in their early stages, when they can be fixed more easily.

Smoking is another concern for dental implant patients. While smokers are typically eligible for implants, the habit can also increase the risk of gum disease, which may jeopardize the implants. When implant patients quit smoking, they reduce the risk of complications with the dental implants.

If you would like to learn more about dental implants, please contact the office of Dr. Jin at 604.939.6111 to schedule your consultation.

Common Questions About Dentures

dentures denverPeople who are considering dentures in Denver often wonder how the appliances will look, feel and fit into their daily routines. Here are a few of the questions that dentists often field from patients who are pondering dentures.

Will my dentures be uncomfortable? Will they be noticeable?

When many patients begin to consider dentures, they have flashbacks to the ill-fitting, uncomfortable devices that their parents wore. Fortunately, modern dental technology has advanced to the point that today’s dentures are barely even noticeable – both for the patient and the people they interact with on a daily basis. Dentures are custom-designed to fit the unique structure of a particular patient’s mouth, and they have a natural appearance.

As you get adjusted to the appliances, you may notice some discomfort, but that should ease up after your first few weeks as a denture wearer. You may also feel like your speech has been affected, but that, too, will abate over time.

What can I eat with my dentures?

A denture wearer can enjoy most of the same foods that anyone else can eat, although in some cases they may need to be prepared or served differently. Corn kernels may need to be removed from the cob, for example. Initially, many patients prefer to stick to a soft diet as they adjust to their dentures to minimize discomfort.

How do I keep my dentures clean?

You will need to take several steps to keep your dentures clean. Begin by removing them after meals and rinsing them to remove any remaining food particles. You should also brush them daily using a soft brush and denture cleaner. Lastly, soak your dentures overnight and rinse them before putting them back in your mouth in the morning.

How often will I need to replace my dentures?

This will vary by patient. Your dentures will last as long as they are cared for properly, but you may notice that the fit deteriorates over time. This phenomenon is due to changes in a denture wearer’s bone structure over years. If you notice that your dentures are not fitting as well or are less functional, contact Governor’s Park Dental Group at 303-832-7789 to get them refitted or get a new set of dentures.

Can crowns improve the appearance of natural teeth?

For heavily compromised teeth, a crown may be the recommended restoration. A history of excessive forces such as clenching and grinding can fracture and crack the teeth. Widespread decay or very large, defective fillings can also take a toll on the teeth. Teeth that are severely broken down or not fully functional are common candidate for crowns, as well. Crowns are designed to protect and preserve your own tooth’s structural integrity.

A damaged tooth is not only uncomfortable; it can be unattractive in many instances. A dental crown is a widely utilized restorative option because it provides strength and stability where necessary. Fortunately, crowns can also be customized to a beautiful and natural appearance, improving the look and feel of the natural teeth.

Traditionally, dentists could only use amalgam, gold, and other metals to fix damaged and decayed teeth. While these options were proven to be durable, creating an attractive restoration was challenging. Today, strong tooth-colored ceramic materials are also an option to restore your teeth to their natural strength and beauty. Porcelain or ceramic materials are biocompatible; meaning the risk for an allergic response is low.

Your dentist will recommend a crown when it is necessary to completely cover, or cap, the entire tooth. The procedure generally involves the use of a local anesthetic for comfort. The existing defective filling and decay are removed from the tooth. The tooth will be shaped and prepared for the new crown, and an impression of the tooth is taken. This impression is critical to ensuring that your new crown fits well and provides adequate coverage.

Your crown will be designed with precision and shade matched to mimic the natural tooth appearance. Once the crown is in place, it should blend perfectly with the surrounding teeth and feel completely natural during eating and drinking. Crowns are considered permanent restorations and will not require any additional maintenance in terms of your homecare routine.

For more information about how you can improve the appearance of your natural teeth with , contact our dentistry team at 303 -730-1222 to schedule a consultation.

Benefits of Implant Supported Dentures

dentures CoquitlamA dental implant is basically a unit imbedded in your gum tissue to serve as the root of the tooth you no longer have.  If you are missing several teeth, your problem may be resolved by investigating implant supported dentures in Coquitlam.

The loss of several teeth due to trauma, infection or periodontal disease no longer means the discomfort or hassle of dealing with partial or traditional dentures.  Years ago, the discovery of dental implants and implant supported dentures advanced the procedure of obtaining dentures to a new level.

Missing teeth can lead to many problems.  In addition to the loss of confidence one might feel, the inability to chew or speak properly can affect your physical health as seriously as your dental health.  Dental implants to support dentures are like having your own teeth restored.

Permanently placed in your gum tissue, a dental implant serves as the anchor for your new denture.  And having a new denture is a big enough adjustment for the wearer, so knowing your teeth are as secure as your natural teeth once felt will allow you the ability to once again smile, chew and speak with confidence.

If you need a lower denture to replace your entire lower arch, your dentist would likely recommend several implants to affix your new denture.  For the upper denture, the need for as many dental implants is not as critical as the upper denture has more stability.

Your dentist will likely offer you the option of permanently placing your denture or fitting you with a denture that you can remove.   Being able to remove your denture allows you the ability to make sure you are keeping your denture as clean as possible while also being able to keep the implant area healthy.

Whichever denture is determined best for you, having implant supported dentures provides the wearer with the security that their teeth will stay in place when laughing, speaking and eating just as naturally as if you still had your original teeth.  But with the aesthetically pleasing appearance you will enjoy with your new dental work, you will never miss them.

Is your mouth stressed out?

Stress can manifest itself in a multitude of ways throughout the human body.  Your mouth may not only be impacted physically, but the mouth can announce to the world how stressful we are feeling by the appearance of our lips, smile and teeth.  A visit to our family dentist serving Columbine can resolve issues inside the mouth to allow our outward persona to reflect a less stressful life.

What types of dental conditions can be attributed to everyday stress?  Cold sores, canker sores, halitosis, cracked or broken teeth and TMJ Disorder are some of the primary problems that you might suffer due to stress or anxiety.  Regular visits to your family dentist can help alleviate many dental problems, especially when going through a particularly stressful situation.

Cold sores or canker sores can be attributed to many things with stress near the top of the list.  Stressful situations can change how our body fights bacteria; can modify hormone levels; or affect our diet which can challenge our bodies nutritionally.  These physical changes along with trauma to the mouth, poor brushing habits, and even sun exposure can result in cold or canker sores.

Halitosis, or bad breath, is due to bacteria build up in the mouth.  In times of stress, changes in diet, beverage consumption, smoking and not taking care of our overall health can result in excessive bacteria build-up.  Regular visits to your dentist for professional dental cleanings and excellent oral habits like brushing and flossing daily can help rid the mouth of the bacteria that contributes to bad breath.  And since the tongue harbors much of the bacteria that promote halitosis, a tongue scraper can aid in helping to control this condition.

During times of stress, bruxism or teeth grinding often occurs during sleep or at times when we are not conscious of jaw clenching or grinding.  The result can be cracked or broken teeth from the grinding pressure or even , which is a term used to describe a joint disorder or inflammation of the temporomandibular joint which impacts the jaw in many ways.

Our mouths can tell a lot about us, but regular visits to the doctor Family Dentistry will aid in doing everything possible to keep our mouth and teeth healthy and free from these and other stress induced conditions.

The Benefits of Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening continues to grow in popularity as faster, easier, and even more effective options become available. Teeth whitening is the quickest, easiest way to transform your smile. If you are considering teeth whitening in Denver, here are some of the major benefits of this minor cosmetic procedure.

Transform Your Smile in Just One Hour

One of the biggest advantages of teeth whitening is that it takes very little time. In a single hour, a cosmetic dentist can lighten your teeth anywhere from five to ten shades. The whitening agent is applied and left for about twenty minutes, then reapplied. After the session is completed, you will see dramatic changes in the look of your teeth.

If the staining on your teeth is particularly stubborn, a take-home kit can provide a stronger whitening agent and a longer exposure to the agent. Using customized plastic trays, the whitening agent is left on the teeth for about fifteen minutes, twice a day, for two weeks. After this intensive treatment, most people will see significant results and a brighter smile.

Low Incidence of Side Effects

While it is possible to experience side effects from teeth whitening, these issues are minor and usually temporary. The most common side effects are:

  • Increased sensitivity in the treated teeth
  • Irritation in the gums
  • Irritation in the lips

All these side effects are more likely to occur with take-home kits or over the counter whitening. In-office whitening uses special gels to protect the lips and gums, reducing the likelihood of irritation. Take-home whiteners are stronger, and are more likely to make extended contact with the soft tissues in the mouth, making it more likely to develop sensitivity or irritation.

However, in both cases, irritation or sensitivity is likely to disappear within a few days. This lack of permanent or uncomfortable side effects makes teeth whitening one of the safest and most comfortable cosmetic dentistry procedures available.

If you are interested in teeth whitening, please contact Governor’s Park Dental Group for an appointment or a consultation. We’d be happy to discuss what teeth whitening can do for your smile.