The Benefits of Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening continues to grow in popularity as faster, easier, and even more effective options become available. Teeth whitening is the quickest, easiest way to transform your smile. If you are considering teeth whitening in Denver, here are some of the major benefits of this minor cosmetic procedure.

Transform Your Smile in Just One Hour

One of the biggest advantages of teeth whitening is that it takes very little time. In a single hour, a cosmetic dentist can lighten your teeth anywhere from five to ten shades. The whitening agent is applied and left for about twenty minutes, then reapplied. After the session is completed, you will see dramatic changes in the look of your teeth.

If the staining on your teeth is particularly stubborn, a take-home kit can provide a stronger whitening agent and a longer exposure to the agent. Using customized plastic trays, the whitening agent is left on the teeth for about fifteen minutes, twice a day, for two weeks. After this intensive treatment, most people will see significant results and a brighter smile.

Low Incidence of Side Effects

While it is possible to experience side effects from teeth whitening, these issues are minor and usually temporary. The most common side effects are:

  • Increased sensitivity in the treated teeth
  • Irritation in the gums
  • Irritation in the lips

All these side effects are more likely to occur with take-home kits or over the counter whitening. In-office whitening uses special gels to protect the lips and gums, reducing the likelihood of irritation. Take-home whiteners are stronger, and are more likely to make extended contact with the soft tissues in the mouth, making it more likely to develop sensitivity or irritation.

However, in both cases, irritation or sensitivity is likely to disappear within a few days. This lack of permanent or uncomfortable side effects makes teeth whitening one of the safest and most comfortable cosmetic dentistry procedures available.

If you are interested in teeth whitening, please contact Governor’s Park Dental Group for an appointment or a consultation. We’d be happy to discuss what teeth whitening can do for your smile.