What is the success rate of dental implants?

Dental implants are becoming an increasingly popular tooth replacement method because they offer patients the closest approximation of natural teeth both structurally and aesthetically. Dental implants also are quite reliable. According to the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, the procedure has an overall success rate of 95 percent.

Several factors influence the success of dental implants. Most importantly, dental implants must have sufficient bone available in the jaw to support them. However, when a tooth is lost, the jaw bone begins to recede because the tooth’s root is no longer present to serve as an anchor. This process proceeds more quickly toward the rear of the mouth, leading to greater bone loss.

Before placing your dental implants, Dr. Bernard Jin, your Vancouver dental implant dentist, will complete a thorough evaluation of your mouth and jaw to determine if you are an appropriate candidate for implants. Even if you have experienced substantial bone loss, you may still qualify for dental implants, as implant dentists can use a variety of techniques, such as sinus augmentation, to provide sufficient bone material for implant placement.

Certain oral diseases may also compromise the bone, increasing the risk of implant failure. Therefore, the implant dentist must make sure that you do not have any untreated gum disease or advanced tooth decay prior to placing the implants.

The patient plays an important role in the success of dental implants, as well. Maintaining good oral hygiene habits is essential, as the failure to keep the mouth clear of bacteria and plaque can lead to gum disease and decay. Additionally, you will need to keep all of your scheduled follow-up appointments with the implant dentist. These appointments offer the dentist an opportunity to identify any dental implant problems in their early stages, when they can be fixed more easily.

Smoking is another concern for dental implant patients. While smokers are typically eligible for implants, the habit can also increase the risk of gum disease, which may jeopardize the implants. When implant patients quit smoking, they reduce the risk of complications with the dental implants.

If you would like to learn more about dental implants, please contact the office of Dr. Jin at 604.939.6111 to schedule your consultation.