Dental implants supply durable, natural-looking, permanent replacements for missing teeth. Almost anyone with missing teeth can benefit from implants, but certain conditions might make you a better candidate and make your implants more likely to be successful. If you are looking for an implant dentist in Denver, here are some facts about dental implants to consider:
Am I a Good Candidate for Implants?
When you consult with our implant dentistry team, they will ask questions pertaining to your overall health as well as your dental health. Some questions that might determine your candidacy for implants include:
- Are you suffering from gum disease?
- Have you worn dentures for a long period of time?
- Are you in good overall health?
- Are you diabetic?
- Are you a smoker?
If you are diabetic or a smoker, this could affect your ability to heal thoroughly and quickly after the implant procedure, as can any condition affecting your overall health. Severe gum disease should be treated before implants can be considered, as infection in the gums will also affect the ability to heal.
Previous use of dentures may or may not affect your candidacy for dental implants. After a long period of wearing dentures, the bone in the jaw tends to break down, since dentures do not stimulate bone regeneration. If enough bone has broken down, a bone graft might be required before you can be successfully treated with implants.
Some types of implants or approaches to the implant procedure work better for some patients than others. If your teeth have been lost recently, or if you see an implant dentist immediately after tooth loss or extraction, implants can often be placed more quickly and easily than if you have been missing teeth for a long period of time.
To find out more about implants, or to determine if you are a good candidate, please contact our office at 303-832-7789 for a consultation.