Will Teeth Whitening Cause Tooth Sensitivity?

One of the most popular cosmetic treatments today is teeth whitening, mainly because stained or discolored teeth are very common. Whitening treatments are simple, often performed in the dentist office.


Side Effects of Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening treatments have limited side effects, all of which are minor. The most common side effects are irritation to the gums and other oral tissues, as well as tooth sensitivity. Sensitivity is more common among those who have thin enamel. Irritation to the gums is more likely during at-home whitening. When teeth are whitened in the office, the cosmetic dentist will use a special gel to protect the lips and gums.

In-office whitening provides almost immediate results. Your teeth can be lightened five to ten shades after a single one-hour treatment. At-home treatment shows results after seven to ten days, and is often recommended for more stubborn stains that do not respond well to in-office whitening.


Treating Sensitivity

If you experience sensitivity after whitening, be sure to consult with your cosmetic dentist for treatment suggestions. Toothpaste for sensitive teeth can help, as can other treatments that help replace minerals that build up the tooth enamel.

Sensitivity after whitening is more common after multiple treatments, so be sure to follow your dentist’s recommendations about the frequency of treatment. In most cases, a single treatment will provide dramatic results, then you will only need touch-up treatments to maintain your new, bright smile.

At-home treatment supplied by your dentist also has a slightly higher risk of sensitivity. Since at-home are used for more stubborn staining, if often makes use of stronger whitening agents. Be sure to follow your dentist’s instructions to reduce the risk of irritation to the gums and lips as well as the risk of tooth sensitivity. Over-the-counter whitening is generally not as strong, and so is less likely to cause sensitivity, but if you use it more frequently in order to get better results, the possibility of irritation increases.

To find out more about whitening treatments and how they can benefit your smile, contact the office of the doctor Family Dentistry, located in Littleton Colorado, today at 303 -730-1222 schedule a consultation.