Preventive dentistry: Common questions and answers

When you were growing up, adults always admonished you to brush your teeth after every meal.  Today we know there are so many more things involved in maintaining good dental health.

  • How often should I see my dentist? At least twice per year you should visit your dentist for a professional dental cleaning and exam.  If you are susceptible to gum disease, your dentist might have you come more often or visit a specialist in periodontal disease.
  • What can be done in addition to brushing your teeth? Your Littleton dentist stresses that in addition to brushing at least twice per day, flossing is equally as beneficial and should be given just as much importance when completing your daily oral regimen.
  • What type of brush should I use? Using a firm brush or brushing incorrectly can do damage over time to gum tissue and tooth enamel.  That is why your dentist will likely recommend using a soft or medium bristle brush, brushing your teeth using gentle circular strokes, and using a non-abrasive toothpaste.
  • What about using a fluoride rinse? There are many considerations when addressing using a fluoride rinse.  Your dentist can discuss issues such as receiving fluoride treatments directly from your dental provider, using a fluoride rinse, or how much fluoridation might be in your drinking water.  Too much fluoride in children under the age of seven can result in a condition known as fluorosis, which can discolor your teeth’s enamel, so this is a very important topic to discuss with your dentist.
  • Can what I eat or drink affect my dental health? Absolutely … sugary and carbonated drinks in excess can contribute to tooth decay.  And it is a proven fact that good dental health can contribute to your overall well-being.  A well balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegetables will help maintain good health.
  • Does smoking affect my dental health? Yes.  Smoking or chewing tobacco products can lead to significant dental problems.  There are many products to help you quit smoking, and your dentist can provide information on the many options available.

Your has many tools to help diagnose current and potential problems.  Take advantage of his knowledge and expertise, follow the advice given, and enjoy many years of good oral health.