Increase your quality of life with dental implants

Whether it’s self-consciousness about your smile or an inability to eat healthy foods, missing teeth can have a detrimental effect on your quality of life. Today, there are many options available for tooth replacement that will restore your confidence. From traditional dental implants to All-on-4, there’s a workable replacement option available for you.

Why Choose Dental Implants?

Dental implants are the only tooth replacement option that replaces both the visible part of the tooth and the tooth root. This provides a complete functional tooth that will not only enable you to bite and chew normally, but will also help keep your jawbone healthy. In the long term, implants help maintain your health far better than dentures, bridges, or other tooth replacement options.

Some of the major advantages of dental implants include:

  • Stimulate jawbone regeneration
  • Remain stationary
  • Allow you to eat anything, including apples and corn on the cob
  • Are permanent—do not require periodic re-tooling

With implants, you’ll always have confidence in your smile and know that your teeth will stay in place even when you bite and chew.

What are All-on-4 Implants?

If you’ve worn dentures for a long period, or if you’ve had missing teeth, it’s likely that you won’t have sufficient bone mass to support the numerous implants required to replace each individual tooth. Some people simply lack sufficient bone mass due to the way their jawbone is structured. This is more common in the upper jaw, where the size of the sinus cavities affects the thickness of the bone that supports the teeth.

All-on-4 dental implants offer the advantages of implants to people without sufficient bone mass. This technique uses four implants to support a denture. Unlike standard dentures, a denture secured with implants remains stationary and will not shift or move when you eat. It can be removed for cleaning and to floss around the abutments of the implants. With proper care, this type of implant can provide you with a full, functional smile for many years to come.

Call our office to speak with a caring team member ready to answer any questions you may have.